Recently acquired a 3207 Carver Aft Cabin and most of the rectangular (15' x 7") port hole windows are cracked, leaking and/or have broken locking tabs. Anyone know where I can find replacements, the same (preferably) or similar?
We have a 1983, much older than yours of course but I think they're still the same. Our boat was generally in good shape when we bought it, but every single one of the portlights were cracked or broken or the dogs were broken. I remember when I tapped the spring pin out of the portlight over the galley sink it fell into the sink in pieces. It takes some fine work with needle-nose vice grips and a very small hammer and an ice pick or nail to tap those pins in and set the springs correctly, but I'll tell you, replacing all those portlights was worth every cent. Even aside from the broken and cracked lenses and broken dog ears, the old ones were so hazy and scratched that the new, clear lenses made the boat seem so much brighter and bigger and cleaner. Okay, anyway -- source. They're made by Bomar/Pompanette in Florida, the Gray Series. I called Carver first, they were not helpful. I called Bomar, again not very helpful but they are still made, and they did give me a price quote of about $119 each (so for eight of them, you do the math, yikes) -- on a 1983 boat that's not worth a huge investment. Just for kicks I called Defender in Connecticut. They quoted me around $63 each, shipped them the next day, crystal clear, in the shrink wrap from Bomar. They all fit perfectly and as long as you can get the spring mechanisms set back in the whole job will be well worth it. Just takes practice. You'll be doing it 16 times (two springs and pins each window) (if you replace them all) so by the last window (portlight) you'll be really good at it.
success! Thanks very much for the lead to Defender Marine for the solution. They are processing my order now to see if the windows are still available.
Ports Lets us know if they get your order filled and not back ordered. I have the same situation with my 84 Carver 3607. I did not see the Port Light without the frame in the Defender Catalog.
Big Al, I received confirmation of the order which is a back order for Defender Marine. The total for 8 portlights was $593.00 including the shipping, not including customs duties etc. I'll let you know when they actually arrive. Best Regards,
What was the model number of those replacements? I just bought a 1983 3207 as well, I have the exact same issues with the majority of mine. Were all your screens intact or did you replace them as well? if so please let me know where you found them. Thanks in advance!
Port lights for 3607 I found my replacements in They were readily available and also came in a smoked version.
Replacement Ports No Worries Did Defender make good on the order of replacement Ports (Windows) ? Just curious as I need to do the same for my 84 3207 Aft.
Defender did get the order through ahead of schedule. In all it took about 4 weeks to complete the transaction.
This is for future reference for anyone with an older Carver... You can call Bomar/Pompanette directly and order the port lights. They also have a number of distributors throughout North America. The port lights on the 1986 Carver 3607 (larger port) is a G724-AD28 with a price of $263.00 USD for a complete port...the part number for the lens (smoked) is GP907-74 with a price of $153.00 each, the part number for the screen for this port is GS724-28 with a price of $30.00 each, gasket part number is GP904-09 you will need 5.17 feet per port...with a price of $5.50 per foot. The smaller port is a G715-AD28 with a price of $206.00 for a complete port. The part number for the lens (smoked) is GP907-44 with a price of $83.00, the screen part number is GS715-28 with a price of $28.00 each, the gasket part number is GP904-09 you will need 3.66 feet to do each port with a price of $5.50 per foot. Note that the replacement parts all fit (lens, screen, gasket). The full port light is now manufactured with a longer spigot length. The previous width is no longer available and the port needs to be milled down manually to 1" on the 1986 Carver 3607. Bomar Customer Service Rep. 603-826-5791
thanks so much for posting this info. i sure wish more people would do this when they have info to share!
No problem... I actually found this forum while searching for a port light solution with my Carver 3607. There isn't much online and getting information on a 30 yr old boat is a pain so hopefully this makes someone's life a bit easier. I had to reference information from Carver (now Marquis), Bomar/Pompanette and online forums to make sure this is correct.... so hopefully someone uses it.
I just aquired a 1989 2157 and need to replace the port window, Carver gave me a part number but can not reach a mfg to buy the window.
It's probably a Taylor Made product, they made many different windows for Carver.Contact them and they should help.
Hello, you didnt keep the part number for the portlights for the Riviera did you? I need them if possible. thanks
I have a 2807 Riv (1983). I need to replace a few portlights. They are plastic, with the name Gray Enterprises Tampa FLA. They have springs as you can see in the photo. Size: 17.5 x 9.5 outside flange and 15.5 x 7.5 is the actual hole size.
Hey, HughCar. DustyBottoms hasn't logged onto YachtForums since October 25, 2015. So, he might not be contacting you. Do you know a telepath?