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Is Post in Trouble?

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by midocean, Apr 3, 2009.

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  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    In May and June of 2004, I spoke with Ken Jensen and his creative director / ad agency owner Al Balibono. They were making banners for YachtForums and supplying images for wallpapers, reviews, etc., when all of a sudden I received an email from Al to cease everything, citing they did not want to be part of a public forum. I knew nothing of the lawsuit at the time, but got the distinct feeling they wanted to curtail any owner discussions about Post. I never had any further communications with them. I will say however, Ken Jensen was very pleasant to speak with.
  2. cm913

    cm913 New Member

    May 16, 2011
    chesapeake bay, md

    I know for a fact that Ken tried to help you, and that he informed you that your boat, which was built in the summer of 1997 for the 1998 model year did not receive the gelcoat that they were suing the manufacturer over. Therefore, it could not be included in the lawsuit. Furthermore, he passed you on to his attorney, as I have read you complain about in other posts, because you threatened to sue, which left him with nothing further to speak with you about. You are a lawyer, you should know that the person you are suing is not going to continue to speak with you.

    Furthermore, after reading other posts you have made on this site, I am quite honestly confused about how long you have had your boat and other such details. In some posts you say you have had it for 12 years, which is not possible since above you state you bought it in 2000. In another post you say you bought it in 2001. What is the real story here? I find it troubling that you can't keep your story straight, yet claim to remember a single phone conversation with a person several years ago.

    Lastly, they lost their lawsuit, even after having substantial evidence that the gelcoat was faulty. Additionally, the company that produced that gelcoat pulled it off the market as soon as the lawsuit occurred, which to me implicates them, but we all know that's not how the legal system works. But, I would really like to know why you think they would not have wanted another boat owner to be a part of their suit if his boat was affected? In my humble opinion, the more boat owners you have on a suit filed against the gelcoat company, the stronger the argument is for Post.

    As I said before, after knowing Ken for many years, I do not believe that he has ever hung up on anyone, he is one of the most patient, easy-going, gentle people I have ever met, even when dealing with the most difficult of people. Furthermore, I would love to hear from anyone else who has had any similar dealings with Ken or Post, because most of the stories I have heard were of the most pleasant nature.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Is it me, or does anyone else find cm913's posts to be highly defensive and WAY over-informed for a 3rd party bystander? We know BEAU has participated in numerous unrelated threads and has brought fair opinion and experience to each. In contrast cm913, you have shown that you have an agenda and not a particularly pleasant demeanor given your defensive posture. If you are related to the company, then you should be forthcoming. Failure to do so doesn't look good in the court of public opinion.
  4. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    When I read his first post I thought he must be related to the guy whose integrity was being questioned.

    I agree he does seem very well informed indeed and does not give any indication as to how he is so well informed, instead feels able to pour forth his version of the gospel from Post No 1.

    Maybe he and the guy he defends are members of the same Lodge.
  5. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Interestingly, you claim personal knowledge of my siutation and do not dispute any of my statements. Essentially you argue that my intepretation of my experience is wrong because you had a different experience?

    BTW, I bought my boat in Sept of 2000. Depending on the date of my email posts the boat will age. This is my 12th year of ownership. Last year it was 11.

    Also, I could not agree with you more. All my conversations with Ken have been very pleasent and calm from his side. That's one of the reasons I was startled when I found out he, in my opinion, had not been disclosing the known manufacturing problem and the truth to me. I found out about the lawsuit on my own after years of inquiry to Post about my crazing and cracking - the same thing that was happening to at least 36 other boats he knew about when he was talking to me or my representatives.

    Rhetorical question: if you have a paint problem on your car, would you go to the paint manufacturer or the manufacture of the car for relief.

    Post was a quality boat and I'm sure, to others, Ken has never made a mistake. But my personal experience is that he did not take care of a devoted customer, and played me for years to avoid any cost to Post - all very politely.

    I hope now we can agree to disagree (willight?) and let the matter drop.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    For a sailboating scientist he does seem intimately familiar with the situation and Beau. Seems more like someone working in the office or their law firm. BTW, be darned if I could tell you what year I bought my 8 year old car in without checking my records. The model year is 9 years and the manufacture date is 10 years, but I'm pretty sure I bought it on '03. A bit nit picky.
  7. cm913

    cm913 New Member

    May 16, 2011
    chesapeake bay, md
    I assure you NYCAP123 I do not work for either, I am just a close friend. And I also assure you, I am indeed a sailboating scientist, but I have an appreciation for boats with speed.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You're point has been noted, but bias is evident. Could well come from being "just a close friend", but my friends aren't usually this intimately informed about my business, especially about my individual customers, suppliers and lawsuits (thankfully none in my case).
    So what are your boating interests aside from Post?
  9. cm913

    cm913 New Member

    May 16, 2011
    chesapeake bay, md
    I would be lying if I said I wasn't biased, but all the same, I just don't feel it's necessary to write things that defame the individual/company in question, particularly knowing that the company has since closed, and that individual may be looking for a job. I have a facebook account that I have to constantly worry about writing the wrong thing on because future employers look at what is written on social networking sites, as well as forums. It would be a shame to have something written about yourself on a site like this and have it keep you from getting a job, all the while no one is defending you or your best interests. That's all I'm trying to do here, I am not trying to be vindictive or malicious, I simply am looking out for a really good friend.

    As for knowing a lot of info, well that's a perk of being a friend, I am the sounding board for venting frustrations that you can't take out on people. I don't mind, I have friends that know more about me than anyone else. I guess for me friends are the equivalent of a spouse to most people, I have friends who share every detail of their life with their spouse, that's what my friends are to me.

    That being said, other boating interests, I am a definite fan of all of the south jersey boat makers, I love the sleek lines of the boats. I am actually looking at possibly rehabing an older boat, but time is always the issue! I also love sailboats, I would love a Hylas someday, but once again, that pesky time issue comes in and makes it tough. Right now I just have a little skiff that is easy to take care of, but still gets me out on the water. I am hoping work stuff settles down soon and I can get out on the water a little more!
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You've had a very good experience with Ken (I DK him personally in any capacity). Beau apparently did not. The older Post boats have a good reputation that will long outlive the company. I doubt a few dissatisfied customers will affect Ken's job prospect. I'm a sweetheart, and I've hung up on a few people when I realized further conversation won't change anyone's mind, and I've gone nose to nose with a few more. That's life and that's business. Time to move forward. I look forward to your contributions on other topics.
    BTW, you should have seen the heat the Bertram people took when that 63 went down. Running a company is great until things go wrong. Every CEO needs keep a firesuit and thick skin close at hand.
  11. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    I can't blame the guy for getting off the phone once he found out the guy was thinking about suing him. Moral of this story? NEVER SELL A BOAT (or anything for that matter) TO AN ATTORNEY!
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    And never mention the words law suit if you want a conversation to continue.
  13. moveover

    moveover New Member

    Feb 18, 2011
    westchester, ny
    I think cm913 has a lot of credibility. Just because he is an admitted friend of Ken does not make his statements without value.
    What cm913 seemed to object to most was the claim that Ken hung up on Beau. He claimed that was very uncharacteristic of Ken.
    In Beau's latest post, he seems to have withdrawn that inflammatory remark. Now, he says, "the call was abruptly ended." Quite a lot different from being hung up on.
    Beau also improperly implys that Ken was duplicitious by failing to appraise him of the gel coat problem that was part of the pending lawsuit.
    That is another unfair attack. His boat simply didnt get the gel coat at issue in the lawsuit.
    I know nothing of the personalities involved but my best guess is that Beau pulled the 'I'm a lawyer' arrogance card with Ken and Ken told him enough is enough.
    I'm also a lawyer (isnt everyone these days?) and I know how obnoxious they can be. And no I never worked for Post but i sure wish I could afford one.
  14. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    I am reluctant to respond because the issue is dead for me. But it seems I have not been clear on several points:

    1. My boat yard manager and I tried to have Post look at my boat and advise me what was going on with the cracking gelcoat for many, many years without success. I was always very cordial to Mr. Jensen as was Mr. Jensen to me - he just never provided me with any remedy or plausible explanation.

    2. When Mr. Jensen hung up the phone, I had not threatened any legal action - it was because he was tired of explaining to me that the cracks in my boat were, in his opinion, normal, and I just wasn't accepting that explanation. That conversation was also very polite, but was ended abruptly without resolution when Mr Jensen put the hand set back into the receiver - is that hanging up? I don't know, but that doesn't matter because that really is not the point I was trying to make - my wife hangs up on me all the time.

    3. My point is this: If you were to look at the condition of my gelcoat you would agree that there is a serious problem - whether it was the same batch of gelcoat as the other 36 boats, I don't know. But I have a "million" dollar boat that you wouldn't buy in its present condition, though I have been repairing the cracks as they delevop. I believe Post knew my boat has a serious gelcoat problem, but just hung me out to dry, so to speak. Maybe you would feel differently if you were the customer, but that would be your perogative.

    4. I believe Post boats are a very excellent example of a New Jersey SF, but I think the complete lack of customer service and openess was a grave service failure on the part of the manufacturer and its top people. I cannot speak for how anyone else was treated by Post when they had a service problem, but anyone who looks at my boat agrees that either the gel coat is defective, or was apllied incorrectly. The only person who has denied that is Mr. Jensen - he says its just normal cracking.

    5. Maybe when my problem started Post was already in financial difficulties and couldn't help me. I never even got an offer to split the cost. It is the downright, continual denial by Mr Jensen that my boat had a gel coat problem that angers me. It is just so obvious to me and everyone else that a serious problem exists. If he at least said "Beau I agree you have a gelcoat problem but we just can't help you because we are on our knees, or because I was the "second" owner, at least then I would have had a plausible reason why Post couldn't help me - but to continuously (and politely) claim its merely normal cracking, was both disingenuous and infuriating.

    5. Yes I did threaten legal action after my last conversation, but by letter, not phone which letter was correctly forwarded to Post's Florida attorney.

    Incidently, I am not challenging anybody, truly this is over for me, but if Mr. Jensen, who obviously knows about this thread, would like to correct any inaccuracies in my account, I would be pleased to read them.
  15. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    anything going on at Post?

    is anyone buying the molds, tools, equip, yard?
  16. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Haven't heard of anything recently. I think on this forum someone said the molds are in Maryland and the vacant, gated property in Jersey is up for sale. I, like probably most Post owners, hope that someone picks up thoses molds and reintroduces the line (BUT without the 56)

    There is also a great opportunity for a former employee of Post who knows his stuff to start a web page for Post owners to arrange/sell replacement parts, etc in the absence of a manufacturer. Post had a long list of suppliers known only to them.
  17. tunaal

    tunaal New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
    New Castle, NH & Clearwater, FL
    Post and Post Hatches

    First of all Post is out of business as of April 2011, I think.
    Second, the Post hatches were made by a Post vendor and I think he has been out of business for several years. They switched hatch makers several years ago.
    Thirdly, search this Post Yacht Forum website because there is a thread especially regarding this problem hatch search and there is someone in that conversation who has made a duplicate hatch for the Post. He put pics on thread and they look excellent, and he will sell them.

    I will try to find his address and post it for you.
  18. ESSRTEE8

    ESSRTEE8 Member

    Jul 30, 2013
    56 POST in Monmouth Beach NJ
    I hate to resurrect and old post, no pun intended, but what design disaster are you referring to with the 56?
  19. mobcat

    mobcat New Member

    Jun 5, 2011
    I quite like the look of the 56, it looks nicely balanced IMO. but the design faults could be a issue.
  20. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Not engineering design faults - I just didn't like the look. I have since changed my mind. There is a beauty posted on YF showing a new hull color. Oh, it yours!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2017