They checked all the connections w/ ohm meters and all the fuses.... The ground bonding system looks good... I will go and recheck that.. I guess you won't know if the ecm is loosing it's mind unless you get a computer on it.... There are no codes and I would think there would be if one was offline, or not connected...
Emergency stops? Thinking possibly that an emergency stop, or one of the shutdown buttons may be stuck causing this.... Going to check them all tomorrow..!!!!
No stop or ground issues.... I have been thru the emerg stops on the main bridge... and all the grounding in the engine room.. Have not found anything wrong.. It is just baffeling me.. No Codes is the main thing.... I understand that the other 2 ststions do not matter as long as they are not activated???
Hi, Does it crank like it is almost gonna run? Does the blower rotate? I was called to a 8V71 with a broken blower drive shaft once, took me a wee while to work out what the problem was as it would wind over and seem as though it was about to burst into life but never quite get there.
Nope.. Checked both blower shafts for rotation during cranking... Almost gets there.. but no cigar....
You saw the blowers moving or spinning real fast? They can move when the blower shaft (common failure) breaks.
I am getting 4 gph on both engine while starting..... I will see the actual pressure when I change the display and I crank it later today....
Voltage I feel we have some voltage issues between the 24 volt engine cranking system and the 12 volt ECM side..... I can have the starboard engine running and try to crank the port... It will draw down the port engine and try to kill it... LOL.. That is not supposed to Happen... I have looked at the Load equalizers, and can see nothing wrong. But how do you tell..?.. and wonder if they can bleed power... Wonder if I can just disconnect the 12 volt positive leads from it and leave the 24 volts in place...
If the computer gets below a certain voltage, it might not be enough for everything to run. Mercury optimax's are that way. Another thought is maybe the battery charger is passing some AC voltage through and that is creating computer gremlins. Check fuel pressure. Also check the engine shutdown solenoid, could that possibly be stuck? Electrical things can be very hard to diagnose many times.
Stb running, crank the port and it tries to kill the port or stb? Load equalizers or diode isolators? Can you strap a 12v stand-alone batt directly to the ecm away from cranking batteries and anything else (chargers, isolators, etc)?
Any update on this issue? I have experienced similiar problem when cranking and with no throttle in gear when running. My slow cranking and no start was due to someone bumping my manual back-up throttle/gear controls. They have a neutral start switch that won't allow start unless in neutral but it still allows cranking. The slow cranking was because I was turning the gears and shafts with the starter motor. As soon as manual controls were back in neautral, problem solved. Another time I had no available throttle but could cruise in idle. A plug had come loose in the ERIM. What was weird is the DDEC alarm said my troll valve was engaged but this was not the issue. I think the loose plug made it think it was engaged. I don't know if any of this helps. I had also replied earlier about installing dedicated batteries for the 12v DDEC. I really like how this is working on mine.
Found that the new wiring Harness was bad...... Now got a new one and the engine cranked.... The faulty gear oil pressure sensor was keeping the engine from throttling up in gear.. A $550.00 part.... Thanks for the tip about the trolling valve code... We have had that too... ****. DDEC....
Hi, Good one Pascal, the members from the Land of the Midnight Sun might see it as "Needs Extra Wigilance," either way it is always frustrating when you fit what is supposedly a good part and the fault either remains or changes.
Yeah, nothing worse than getting "new" faulty parts. The gear pressure sensor is a pressure transducer and they are pretty proud of those. I had to replace one as well and remember the sticker shock on the price. Hopefully you have solved your issues and can get out fishing!
Ha Ha.... No... They Started the engines w/out me there.. And decided to do sea trials...... The fresh water side blew a hose, and no one noticed till alarms went off and they blew the motor including cracking all the exhaust Manifolds, and burnt 2 pistons.... Now I am looking for surplus manifolds including elbows....
It sounds like you're on a streak, and it's not a good one. I don't recommend playing lotto for awhile. Ouch.
Define "They". Yard boys or goobers? Responsible mechanics are usually down there with them when doing mechanical trials. There not paid for the ride but to CYA and protect the equipment. The responsibility and liability for a mechanic is usually (even in s Georgia) pretty tall on trials and usually does not leave the ER until their shut down. The better rep is down there watching his laptop also. Blowing a hose while some cowboy pushes the throttles on sea trials with out a man in the bilges is pretty lame IMO. Good luck, rc Who was in the E R during the test ride?