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74' Roamer, Only one built still alive, barely, thoughts?

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by acbs38, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    Ah, thanks JU it is the "Lost Pearl"....

    ("Black Pearl" is a Harley Davidson color and not the name of a boat that i know of)

    the Roamer in the OP has big potential, but will need deep pockets and a complete informed understaning of what the boat needs.

    double or tripple your cost estimates and you may be ok in the end.

    good luck, i hope this boat ends up as nice as the Lost Pearl
  2. acbs38

    acbs38 New Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    branford ct
    Engines are 12V-71TA's and were last run last year before winterized again. Gensets run as well as I've been told. Lost Pearl seemed in worse condition, but apples and oranges, that's a whole nother conversation.
  3. doompatrol

    doompatrol Guest

    Hmmm. Interesting.

    I completely agree with everyone who said to run...unless you're nuts like some of us (in a very positive sort of way).

    Some misc. ramblings:

    1) For 74-foot boat, that thing's got an eensy, beensy lower salon. In your first pic, that (relatively) stubby cabin top almost makes it look like a Hatteras. A 60' Roamer I was thinking about buying a few years back had lines more reminiscent of the wooden Constellations and the larger FRP Commanders. This one looks kind of...I dunno...not Chris Crafty.
    2) The plywood deck means she had teak all the way forward, I believe. Was the plywood they put back marine grade? If so, you might be able to get away with cleaning the top surface with 36 grit and laying on a layer of 1708 or 1810 biaxial weave fiberglass. Run the FRP up onto the adjoining surfaces, then do some pretty fillets to smooth out the joint with the aluminum on the outer perimeter and the cabintop on the inner.
    3) Nothing in the upper salon pic is scary, but then that's the nature of pictures. Work zones are dirty and disorganized, but there's not much harm in that.
    4) Am I seeing aluminum I-beam frames covered with the deck plywood? If so, good, since that's lots better than wooden ones. But you've got to wonder why they didn't just use sheet aluminum decks like they did on certain other models of Roamer--like the 60 I was looking at. Any idea if they barrier coated the frames and plywood where they meet? I wonder what 4x8 sheets of 5052 aluminum plate is going for these days???
    5) Again, that's an eensy, beensy little galley for such a big boat.
    6) The dining area seems really narrow and I can't quite wrap my brain around the layout. But nothing looks too scary there, either.

    Detroit power is good, but don't trust the seller that they start and run until you see it for yourself (or--even better--hire a Detroit guru). Ditto for the gensets.

    I also would be interested to know what the bilge spaces looked like. And by that I mean all of them from stem to stern. That 60 I was on looked pretty good on the outside, but the framing looked like Swiss cheese from salt water attack in some areas.

    $30k is beyond nuts, though I wouldn't doubt that the seller is into it more than what he's asking. What it's worth right now today is scrap value at a commercial boat breaking yard. $5k cash might be fair if you're really sure you are a boatnut...I don't think it would sell for that on ebay.
  4. acbs38

    acbs38 New Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    branford ct
    I too was surprised at the layout of this boat as I compared it to those roamers from 60' -68'. Main salon had circular staircase down to stateroom on port opposite toilet, further aft to master stateroom with toilet. Back up top main salon moving forward past helm down stairs into dining area, shelving & dishwasher to port opposite L shape couch. stair down to stateroom with toilet to port. to starboard galley. Through galley to crew stateroom and toilet. Main salon was small due to aft deck being so big, 5-6'. asking price is $20K. marina is trying help owner sell, because they realize they're going to probably get stuck with it. Marina does not have travel lift capabilities for the boat, but has made arrangements with neighboring marina. marina states that if they take over boat, the process takes 6 monthes, loses dock revenue, etc you get the story they are spinning.
  5. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    They must have gone to the same school as a Realtor I am dealing with.

    I was shown a nice beach side property, I was assured by the Realtor I could build a two level home on it.

    He sent me the Title and then a bit more info when I questioned some of the notes and covenants on the title all the while pressing me to make a binding offer.

    Hidden deep amongst the fine print and legalese was a few words that got my attention.

    Joined up they said "Any building constructed or caused to be constructed on the land will be of a single story "

    I don't think some of these folks can lie straight in bed.
  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    FWIW the boat sold in October 2010 for $40K and it looked a little better in some of the photos back then than it does today. Engine hours reported 3680 at that time.

    In my opinion the boat's value today is zero. If you have the know how and the money to make right - probably $600K, plus $250K more if you repower it. Minimum. And I'm not talking about turning a yard loose on it. Those figures are if you are running the job. If it's the boat you love and want - more power to you. But it will never be worth even half what you put into it and probably less. A lot less.

    If you're interested PM me and and I'll email the 2010 listing specs and (40) photos to you in a PDF.

    74' Chris Craft / Derecktor Roamer
    •Boat Name: Bon Moyage
    •Year: 1973
    •Last Listed Price: US$ 95,000 (02/10)
    •Sold: US$ 40,000 (10/10)
    •Located in Barrington, RI
    •Hull Material: Aluminum
    •Engine/Fuel Type: Twin diesel
    •YW# 1709-1986179
    •Central/Exclusive Listing
    •Available for co-brokerage

    You can see the begining of the leak collecting in the headliner above the starboard door.

    Attached Files:

  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    12v71'TAs or TIs? I always thought the TAs were the newer model engine. Don't think original for a 1973 model boat. That could be cool.
    Don't be scared of the ole Detroit's. 71s will out live us all.
  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    The basic 6-71 is an outstanding example of simplicity and reliability, these same traits are not found through the whole 71 Series range unfortunately.

    TI or TA - added complication of turbo chargers and charge air coolers for a start.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The 8v71's and 12v71's are both stout motors and still last a long time. I'd say 5,000 hours is pretty normal. 3500 hours if they've lived a long life.....much better longevity than the entire 92 series.
  10. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    If there is an N after the model numbers - maybe
  11. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    what is the difference between TI and TA?

    intercooler vs aftercooler?
  12. Laurence

    Laurence Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    Chattanooga TN
    Not $650k

  13. RB480

    RB480 Senior Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    New Buffalo, MI
    The Roamer reportedly sold in April 2006 for $450K and 4 years later sold for $40K.

    Thats a very short time for the old gal to go down hill that much, just goes to show when a boat goes into the wrong hands there is a lot of harm to be done.
  14. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    TI is intercooled .. I have the 12V71TI engines in my boat. Its not easy to get a good overhaul .. the sheer size of them is part of the problem .. being older technology, many of the old timer specialists have retired or too old to be trying to pull a 250lb cylinder head out of a cramped engine room.

    Mine are running but it took 3 try's to get it right.

    Looks like huge money to fool with this boat.

    The reduction in price to $40k probably had everything to do with the market and economy and less to do with who owned it.
  15. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    The air cooler after the turbo but before the blower ; Intercool.

    The air cooler after the blower/ under the blower ; aftercool.

    The TA offered a couple (2) more ponies but had a lot of drawbacks.

    K1W1 seems to prefer the N natural. Still with that needed blower, but no turbo or air cooler.

    I'm an old 71 fan (fool). Worked on them most of my boating years. If I did have any money, I would be a Cat 34 fan or newer.
  16. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    The more HP you try to squeeze out of them the shorter their life, especially if you don't treat them nice.........

    Hence the "N" ...Naturals & Nice.:)
  17. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    The lower HP factory TIs seem to hold up well, Once they went over 800 hp (12v71ti) all bets were off.

    I remember PanTropic upgraded a 12 once. Turbos were the size of a house. Exotic injectors and some fancy cam timing. Was the fastest wagon during the tournament. Engines just lasted that tournament (just).

    I don't think Covington abused the Detroit's to bad, J&T pushed the envelope a little.

    We have the 650hp tune. I run them up for a few minutes before we return to the dock and blow the gunk & slobber out. But we mostly cruise just making (= <) 10 knots during the day. They should out live me.

    How about this Roamer; Any solid history on the mains, gears and gennys? One or two peice (prop) shafts?
  18. acbs38

    acbs38 New Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    branford ct
    marina where she is at very willing to work with the right party regarding dock fee, etc, I'm finding marinas here in CT not to accomidating to boats over 60'. She is hour and half from me. Agree 20K still too high, but question it would take 600K to get her back doing yourself.Nothing solid history wise, except engines and genset were started last year then winterized. Have been told steering linkage needs to be looked at, but no elaboration on that.
  19. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Weren't Pantropic CAT Dealers?

    I seem to recall a co called Key Power being the So Fla Detriot guys in the 80's
  20. doompatrol

    doompatrol Guest

    I agree that $600k + $250k repower sounds unrealistic, unless you're big on solid gold bathroom fixtures.

    If you can get a good crew and manage the project yourself, $200k would make that boat quite nice. Double that if you have a yard manage it.

    More info on the bilge spaces and mechanical systems would be helpful.

    Is the steering hydraulic or mechanical?