Hi everyone, i was surfing on internet and couldn't find a boat builder who designs boats like Van Dutch. Is there any maker who makes not the same design, but similar like Van Dutch 40 or 55 boats. Something different from random boats. Thanks
A nice video of the new "Van Dutch 55" in action. Essai "world premiere" VANDUTCH 55 avec Maxiboat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlvjO-qGWiE
Dutch on Dutch Coincidence, that Dutch brand owners seek out Dutch builders??? I don't think so. The 55 was developed and built in Holland, MI under the guidance of Tiara Yachts (S2 Yachts) engineers and craftsmen. After such design leadership and build detail, I can only assume that all 55's are being built in West Michigan. I have heard that the order volume for the Holland, MI facility is strong and rising, which points to them as the sole world builder. Nice to see the "Old World" connect with the "New World" where "Holland" is concerned. And even greater to see the talents and lives of the excellent people at Tiara Yachts be rewarded in tough times by such a dynamic new international relationship.
CaptEvans post was a real eye opener for me. By their name and apearance, I was convinced, that Vandutch was a Dutch brand. After studying their website, I am still unable to tell, wether its a Dutch or US company. They are even showing the Dutch flag on their website but only have US contact data ???
They, VAN DUTCH, are indeed a Dutch company, just utilizing the skills of a Dutch heritage US company to provide their product excellence.
Yep, my thoughts too. Should it not say "In the Style of......." I think that would be more accurate, non?
Some time ago I tried to find out where their boats are built. At first I assumed somewhere here in the Netherlands. I was curious about the yard, location, perhaps I could take some photos if I was in the area and such... If you google them, the first hit states: "Vandutch Marine - The avant-garde in Dutch yacht building" On their website: Van Dutch Marine VanDutch is short for Vanguard design and the renowned Dutch craftsmanship of yacht construction. In other words, a symbiosis of modern design and advanced technology in the most avant grade fashion. They mention Dutch building/construction, althought their three models are only Dutch designed (Frank Mulder Design). Quite misleading I think.... (No problem with USA built yachts , plenty of craftsmanship over there, but it would be better if they were honest about building in Holland, Michigan, instead of Holland, Europe...)
I think vandutch will not be to happy about this new Dutch firm building almost exact the same yacht only prettier in my opinion......... Vanquish Yachts | Luxury Yachts - Hand Built In Holland. the vandutch in the background the vanquish in the front. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nhMWCPBO2I
I still think the Van Dutch is nicer of those two. Anyways if I was a buyer for this kind of boat (which I hope to be in the future) I would look at an Itama, Magnum, or similar. The axe bow can never beat a nice timeless flared bow in my book....
Hi davidwb. I currently own a Van Dutch 40 and am acquainted with the company owners. First off, the company was founded by Dutchmen, the boat was designed by a Dutchman and finally, build by Dutchmen in Heerenveen, The Netherlands. However, they recently decided to move the fabrication to Holland (Michigan) for several undisclosed reasons. The company itself and its designer are still the same Dutchmen. Most of the 30 ft and 40 ft currently on seas, are in fact built in The Netherlands. I hope that clears it up a bit. Feel free to ask any other Van Dutch related question, but please mind I am by no means representative of its opinion. Before getting accused of 'spam' or 'commercially posting', I just own one and have no affiliation with them whatsoever. I found this thread on google, in search of something else and decided to make a post to clear things up (the best I could). Prettier? I suppose taste is subjective, but I never thought anyone to think that to be prettier. Then again, perhaps I'm just a biased owner.
I live in The Netherlands, yes. My boat lies in St. Maxime. Just like about 20 other Dutch owners. More than half of their boats are owned by people from (here it comes...) The Netherlands! Who would've thought... Also a 90 mins drive is hardly 'very near' imho. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=...VAH7F7IRzFISx6AibU3cg&oq=heere&t=h&mra=ls&z=9
I wouldn´t have thought this, honestly, but if you say so.. (And my map indicated you were more like 30 minutes away, sorry about that.)
You should see the bay of St. Tropez on a sunny afternoon in August.. it's crowded with Dutch people on their Wajer (also Dutch) and VanDutch yachts. We don't get a lot of sunshine around here. Them Wajers are built near Heerenveen as well. I understand why you were suspicious, when I was filling out my profile I figured I'd put the harbour there. We get invited to a party thrown by VanDutch every year, so all customers get to meet and talk with the owners. Which is where my information is based on.