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Launch Feadship Sultana after rebuilt.

Discussion in 'Feadship Yacht' started by kees47, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. kees47

    kees47 New Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    No news for a while…

    Now there is.

    Feadship Sultana, 3 years has past when I found her in miserable condition and we are now entering the final stage of her make over session
    She is finally afloat, 42 years ago baptised by the famous yacht builders family De Vries who gave her live back in 1969.
    It brought her good luck.
    The 25th of February 2012, again baptised by the same De Vries family, hoping that her luck will continue.
    Here the christening of Sultana : video: Launch Christening Feadship Sultana.mp4 - YouTube

    Slowly she comes to live, all systems are started and tested one by one.
    Most important first off course: one fridge and one icemaker are up and running…..
    Next the old rebuild Gardner engines, a shiver of live went through Sultana when they were started..
    See here engine startup: 15 02 2012 first engine start Feadship Sultana.mp4 - YouTube

    if all goes well according to plan, sea trials will start soon.
    When all is checked, adjusted and double checked, we will return to the Azure blue waters of the South of France where she has spend the majority of her 42 years.
    And again, she will gain the harts of people who love classic yachts for another 42 years.
    This time only with the most modern comfort on board available.

    Sultana has reborn, a old lady without any trace that she is old.
    Everything is new, except her appearance and soul.
    Most important, she will be far more respectful to the sea and her natural environment then ever before.
    Here a video of before and after: Classic Feadship Sultana old and new impression - YouTube

    No it is her turn to get to work, nothing comes for free.
    She will be available for charter guests and do her best to make them feel proud, comfortable and assure that they will experience a unforgettable time.

    Sultana and I have had a fantastic few years together. it was a great time and we know that the next chapter of adventure will start soon.
    We plan to pamper people, live adventures, get to know the seaworld even more.
    here a few impressions of the past few years:

    Hope that you have enjoyed what you have seen…
    Best regards..

    Kees van den Hoek

    Attached Files:

  2. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Great work there Kees.

    Those old Gardners sound like a fine orchestra ticking over there.

    I will keep an eye out for her in the Med this summer.

    Where will she be based?
  3. Found your blog of rebuilt with many photos in web. Sultana: The rebuilding of a classic feadship motoryacht It is dated something in 12.2009.
    It changed a lot the boat with impressive hard work done on her, more than a restoration, a really rebuild with many changes of how old appearance was.
    But can you explain? It is actually launched now or some years ago finished?
  4. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    The OP wrote: The 25th of February 2012, again baptised by the same De Vries family, hoping that her luck will continue.
    Here the christening of Sultana : video: Launch Christening Feadship Sultana.mp4 - YouTube

    I would say this means that the boat was launched a month ago and is still undergoing final bits and pieces prior to sea trials.
  5. ^ Hi,

    I read that, then seeing the blog date it comes the doubt, but I think only Mr. van den Hoek can explains more. Have you also participated in that work? I don't think so. The question was directed to only him. I am not stupid to not understand this simple english written there. I know all that like you, after reading the post.
  6. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    MKM, polite as usual. Did you read the first line in this thread? Does 2009-20012 ring a bell..?

    "Feadship Sultana, 3 years has past when I found her in miserable condition and we are now entering the final stage of her make over session"
  7. Yes I read. You were not as polite as well. Please delete all my posts here. The information was directed only to the initiator poster, not to people in between. The Blog says it was found in 2007. So you don't read the Blog from the same guy as well. It means a total of 5 years if your calculator ring a bell...
  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    MKM- I know that English is not your primary language, I was trying to answer your question using information provided by the original poster in plain language.

    If you find that offensive for some reason I can only say you should maybe reign in your sensibilities.

    We strive to share information here on YF and that is all I and the subsequent poster were doing.

    If you would really like all your posts deleted I am sure the Administrators would be happy to oblige you and free the boards of an unwilling participant.

    Write to them and ask.
  9. There is nothing with language.

    Please administrators, delete all my posts from this thread.

    I really can't understand why a simple question to the Feadship guy, make people doing confusion here.
  10. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    MKM, I'm sure you are aware that this is a public discussion forum.
  11. kees47

    kees47 New Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    Hi everybody...
    Sorry for being late with answering, i am not that familiar with the forum yet.

    This is actually the "Mystery"ship described in this forum in yachts Gibraltar.
    Ex Din-Dina, ex Peer Gynt, ex Bandol... if someone knows any stories or history, please let me know.

    It is correct that I find the boat 5 years ago, time flies !!
    However, it is 3 years that I work on her more or less non stop.
    I have had some things that went seriously wrong underway, nothing that affected the rebuilt itself, but it did affect timeline..

    Leave the posts....who cares?

    She will be based South of France.
    Winter mooring is organized, still looking for a mooring near Monaco...
    Ideas ??

    She is available for charter this summer if all goes as planned.
    i just want to run in the Gardners in Holland, they have been completely stripped and rebuild, so I want to make sure that they are in tiptop shape when we leave.
    We are now installing the NMEA 2000 monitoring system on them...
    old and new, old reliability, new comfort...
    That's great about Sultana, nmea computers, but nothing depends on it....
    All electronics may fail.....all electrics may burn out....Sultana keeps moving anyway...

    She is packed with gadgets and handy things, especially for the crew..
    Will let you all know when it is up and running.
    Also interior picks when all wrapping is removed.

    Thanks for the compliments...
    Kees van den Hoek
  12. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    That's a beautiful classic Feadship and you should enjoy another lifetime on her. It's very nice to see people take the classic's seriously and bring them back to the beauty that they deserve. From a time when yacht owners were yacht owners and loved their yachts and maintained them the way they should be, without cutting corners and costs.
  13. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    For a berth have you tried Cap d'Ail or Fontvielle?

    If looking at Cap d'Ail you do not want to be in the ones closest to the helipad, the surge is mean in there at anytime there is weather outside.
  14. kees47

    kees47 New Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    Yes, no place there..
  15. Garry Hartshorn

    Garry Hartshorn Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Directly above the center of the earth
    Congratulations on such a wonderful project. I am always inspired to see the the grand old ladies of yachting brought back from the brink, but this is special. :)
  16. Savasa

    Savasa Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    Iqaluit, Nunavit, Canada
    Thank you Kees. Wonderful job.
  17. kees47

    kees47 New Member

    Jun 9, 2009
  18. Rene GER

    Rene GER Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Northern Germany, West Coast
    Thanks for sharing, Kees. I like your videos also.

    I saw her some month ago in Makkum at the Feadship yard. It was a wonderful surprise to see that "small" beauty there :)
  19. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    Fantastic yacht and restoration. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you state somewhere that this was done on a tight budget? It looks you spent a fortune on it!

    BTW, I think every yacht should have one of these in the floor...

    Attached Files:

  20. kees47

    kees47 New Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    feadship Sultana rebuild

    You're right..
    It was a tight budget to start off with.
    However, while rebuilding idea's came up... many idea's..

    Idea to make her as fuel efficient as possible with the old Gardners in place.
    "Old" is often not at all fuel efficient.. but, we managed an average fuel consumption of 33 ltrs total both engines over 2500 miles... between 9 and 10 knots ! And... all the way fairly heavy sea's against us.
    900 rpm !!
    Try that with a "modern" engine at 1800 rpm..
    The system does not need any genset running while underway, one gardner delivers all electricity needed to run all systems DC and AC..and even charge the 40 x 200 amps batteries.

    These batteries allow us 12 hours silent running..
    No genset while at anchor..
    Still, airco and all other needed systems running.
    We use the genset only when we can use her nominal power output.
    My experience is, that if a genset is used at her rated power, it will last many thousands of hours.
    And, we can choose the timing....
    So, no genset when: sleeping, swimming, dining, evenings. But, when the guests are on the topdeck, or out for exploring etc...
    A yacht is built for people in my opinion, it shouldn't disturb people....
    The genset is only absolutely needed while using the 380 volts bowthruster at 100%.
    At 50% the converters can handle it on their own.

    Sultana has so much top deck living space never seen on a classic and "small" yacht.
    Forcing the tenders to go on the foredeck...
    Great decision.. just the weight !!
    To counter act the weight, I fitted a bulbeous bow... Many were against..
    But, one knot extra topspeed, and enough to counter act the extra weight on the foredeck and much better sea keeping while against the seas..
    Very much unexpected advantages....
    Best decision ever !!
    saving money on the long run...
    ( and.. we can follow the dolphins on all tv sets/monitors with the camera fitted in the bow )

    She is packed with exteremely simple inventions...
    Toilet system that is silent, no pumps, macerators.. just very big, big pipes..and one 380V/5HP super marcerator in the holding tank.
    Enough of repairing pumps that holds stuff that wasn't eaten before !!
    "yacht" pumps are often toys, built for the "after sale" department.
    Saving money on the long run...

    All heat is recovered, as well engines as genset.
    The genset can even preheat the Gardners in 20 minutes.
    While underway, hot water production is free of charge.
    Ships heating and boilers.
    220 liters of hot water, everybody can shower at the same time, no temperature dips... no lack of it.
    minus 10 degrees exterior in Holland, 20 minutes, and the interior is at 22 degrees.
    And again.. if the electric or diesel heater doesn't work, we can still produce...

    Maintenance and repair reduction to the maximum...
    High end electronic monitoring of the Gardners.. we repair or maintain when needed, not after X hours..
    Repairs can be avoided, we know when something starts to go wrong well in advance.
    saving money on the long run...

    back up systems..
    Sultana can run without any electricity at all....
    Even manually start the engines...and still fully control them from the bridge.
    4 alternators for charging.. if one is lost, the cruise goes on, 2 lost..the same...all lost..start the genset.. or vice versa.

    Fuel systems the same, double filters, vacuum meters, changing filters while running without the need to bleed !!! 10 minutes per filter..
    All filters the same model, running out? take the one from the diesel heater !
    or just filter our own fuel tanks with the transfer pump if needed....

    We don't want to loose charters because of technical trouble.

    However, Sultana became unique in her concept, old and new married.
    Comfort,space and technology of a brand new yacht, ... packed in a old lady with style, a story and proofen history..

    Yes, it was more expensive then planned..
    But... Sultana will be able to pay it back on the long run.
    We had a great trip from Holland to Monaco.. minor tune up problems..

    Just looking for a crew that is willing to understand Sultana's phylosophy...
    it is all about people and the hobby to make it all come together...

    Stay in touch..
    I have been asked to remake her sistership ( Olympia ) too.
    just arrived in Holland a few months ago.
    Altough she will be left more original on the outside.
    Sultana was when I found her already "changed" by her previous owner.
    I just reinvented all from the top of the windows and heigher up.

    The planning is too keep the two sisters together in the future...
    Their stories are exceptional...
