Please tell me that last pic was photoshoped. If not, that was one heck of a balancing job and I'd suspect there's another pic somewhere of when it tumbled.
Legit I Think I'm guessing not photochopped. Have a look at the water line on the "tower" next to it. It appears that they could have ALMOST have made it at high tide. I'm also guessing that the "tower" isn't so much a tower at high tide and that the marker atop was signifying a clear channel on the OTHER side (minor detail). Further, Getty Images is a pretty big name in photography so unless somebody "borrowed" a stock photo of theirs and altered it, I have to think it's legit. Again, just my $.02 ROCK
River boating, stuff happens....... This Meridian limped in just after lunch today. Hit a log while northbound on the Waccamaw River just south of Green 57. The Coasties and SeaTow dewatered her and then followed her to Georgetown for a haul out. We had several inches of rain this AM and with high tide, lots of junk gets headed down river. Don't have any more details, but sounds like he lost some running gear on the starboard side.
a pickled picklefork This is from a couple years ago. It is whats left of a small picklefork speed boat after it hit a wake wrong. I believe it was a fatal accident In this picture, the wrecked boat is on the deck of the salvage boat.
What could go wrong?!?!? Low tide, fog, trainee captain at the helm, decision to take the Provincetown III fast ferry through Nubbles Channel, past Nixes Mate, at speed. What could possibly go wrong? 149 passengers off-loaded to small craft.
The anchor is holding just fine, but.............................. A ship caught in the Korean typhoon.
This is a much smaller boat that was fishing in the Barge canal at the north end of Cayuga lake. A boat ran right over it. The propeller cut what looks like gills in the side of the boat. Incredibly no one was injured.