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Questions for the mods ...

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by MaxPower, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...
    I have TWICE posted a story on the grounding of a Pershing 115 in Montenegro.

    Both times my post disappeared. Was it deleted by the admin?

    I really would like to know. And if so, the reasons.

  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    There were reasons it was deleted. First time you got an answer from K1W1 that the story was already posted here;

    Besides this, your post had not much more content than a link to another site that we are asked not to link to;

    Rules Regarding Links & Images...

    1. Links: PLEASE be careful about the links you post on YachtForums. While we encourage links that are relevant, educational, informative or just plain fun, remember that other sites can benefit by a link from YachtForums... especially other forums or magazines that are similar in nature. Signatures or posts not meeting this criteria will be deleted. If you alter the same after the fact, your membership will be removed as well.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Sorry about that MaxPower. The first time, we locked the thread after K1W1 noted a previous posting, but after a period of time we remove redundant posts. When your 2nd post was made, it was removed for the same reason, but as I recall it had a link to a competing website that can truly benefit (in SEO rankings) by having a link at YF. Besides that, we're just trying to keep YF ship-shape.

    As a senior member, we've come to respect and trust you, just as we hope you will trust us to make decisions that are in the best interest of the community. It's an unwritten pact, but hopefully everyone has come to learn that Lars, Kevin and myself are generally pretty fair and our actions are warranted by good reason.

    It's 4:00 AM on Monday morning, on the tail end of the tail wind of Hurricane Isaac. Wind peaked around 50 knots here an hour ago. I went out to check on the boat, which is on a boat lift and swaying like a palm tree. Settling down now, so I'm gonna try to get some shut-eye.

    BTW, I moved this thread to the Yacht Club because it doesn't belong in the Gen Yacht Discussion.
  4. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...
    no problem at all. i understand.

    i just cld not find it, thus the query. the 1st time it disappeared, i thought i was having a "senior moment" ...


    for future reference, if i see a story pertaining to boats, how do i post info about it here without contravening the rules (if it's reported on another site like the pershing story was)?

  5. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...
    actually i didn't.

    the only thing i "saw" was that it had disappeared ... no idea why ...
  6. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    That's a good question. If at all possible, try to find a source that doesn't benefit a yacht news site, yacht magazine or brokerage firm. Often, there's more than one source on a news piece or press release.

    Other websites and in the yachting industry don't link to YF because it takes traffic away from their website. When you link to them, you add value to a lesser site and dilute YF, diverting traffic away. We've all worked very hard to earn that traffic, including you.

    We've got a problem right now with a few enthusiasts on YF that are constantly linking to other sources. They mean no harm, but they really don't understand SEO and the harm they are doing to the community they are helping to build.

    I don't want to mention any names, but I hope they will recognize their own actions when they read this thread and take corrective measures by NOT linking to brokerage or charter sites, yachting news sites and yacht magazine websites.
  7. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...

    tnx for the explanation. appreciate it.
  8. Telemachus

    Telemachus Senior Member

    Jun 9, 2012
    I am so glad I saw this post; I'd never have thought about other sites benefitting from links, etc. I would have simply thought of it in terms of sharing information.

    Thanks, gentlemen.