I'm thinking about attending the Monaco Show. I've got enough frequent flyer miles to make the cost of the trip relatively pain free, with the exception of accommodations. Looking for suggestions on a place to stay...
Hi, Monaco is normally very pricey at showtime, try looking at Beaulieu sur Mer or Villefranche as good alternatives.
Try Nice, FR I stayed in Nice a few years back, the price was reasonable, and the hotel was about 3 blocks from the train (can't remember the name). Train ride was about 25 minutes each way through scenic stuff (tunnel/beach/tunnel/shore/tunnel/village/tunnel...), and the show is walking distance from the Monaco train terminal. I'd stay in Nice if I was headed there again.
2 ideas: We stayed at a B&B (Bed & Breakfast) back in 2006. In Europe, B&B's are some of the best ways to get reasonably priced lodging. Comparatively at a very good price at the time. Second - perhaps get in touch with Gabe at "Monaco-Eye".
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Special thanks to Marmot for providing a solution. I'm booked! Now if only I could remember a lick of French from the class I took in high school!