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Feadship "Gallant Lady"

Discussion in 'Feadship Yacht' started by Yacht News, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  2. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Yes, interior photos are scarce. It went up on Yachtworld in November... with the same two interior photos, and deck layouts. Not my cup of tea but I've never been accused of having any taste.
  3. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
  4. ancora 1

    ancora 1 New Member

    Jun 20, 2009
    Monaco (MC)
    About interiors, it would nice and funny to see pictures of Tribù, Benetton's yacht. A model of Minimalism style.
  5. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Okay, keep the discussion to "Gallant Lady" to ensure the thread isn't de-railed.
  6. OMG, the interior of 'gallant Lady' seems to rich people in asylums. horrible. Incredible horrifying textures and ugly neo-renascentist.
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    she's been at Atlantis Nassau for the past few weeks at least... along with a Viking SF also named Gallant Lady docked in front. then friday, i noticed a 3rd Gallant Lady, a 65 viking Sport Cruiser, docked behind...
  8. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Just remember the yacht's interior was not conceptualized with your personal taste and preferences in mind. Your opinon is valid but keep an open mind. :)
  9. ^^ ok, sorry my own feelings. I forgot we our in a forum.
    I will be more political taste acceptance mind next time. :)
  10. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes one of the smaller boats......either the 65 vsc or the 65 sf, travels with each megayacht. Any idea why she's being sold and they're keeping the old Gallant Lady the 1987ish 172' Feadship? I know ***** passed back in 2005ish.......but why deliver this one and then put it for sale a few years later. They did that with the 160' Delta, now Newvida, because Jim ***** ended up not liking the Delta and always stayed on the Feadship......and they ordered this Feadship to replace the Delta.
  11. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Well here is the Delta "Newvida" (ex. "Gallant Lady")...the interior might have been changed up a bit since being sold but I can still see some common points like the spindles on the stairway railings, it seems similar to that on the 2007 Feadship.
  12. vlafrank

    vlafrank Senior Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Silver Spring, MD
    I guess that MKM is.....

    going to think that I am but one more in a long line of Ami swine with no taste and no culture, but...........well, I kinda like those two interior pics. On the other hand, I also like Louis 14/16 decorating tastes, and find rococo German/Austrian/Italian decorating fashions from one to three centuries ago painfully understated (!).

    There, I said it! If I could afford a yacht llke that Feadship, it would look like Versailles" Hall of Mirrors! I can't help it.....!!
  13. ^ok, no problem at all. Knowing the Most are like that, like 'Newvida' above, which as suggested me, i prefer to skip my opinion, because more flexibility in mind, i kind understand people getting finally a huge amount of money and making replicates of 'Versailles' or other Louis XV interiors, old fashioned resemblance what for a time in the last centuries was thought of huge quality and Kings' things and whatever, to be called until today 'art'. Do then an more 'Art-Deco' of 40ies interiors like the buildings in New York, instead immitating France, that is more design reliable taste. I just do not comprehend those 'high modern exteriors' with those 'old interiors' appearance' contrast. So why not doing a 'Nao' (Carrack or nau) really like 'Santa Maria' was?, also for exterior, that imo would be much more fitable, other than the sport Reebok shoe exterior.

    But i quite understand people travelling with airplanes daily crossing oceans to see those castle and palaces, praying daily in ticket long quenue to see those 'still life museums'. Ok, then when people got the right money, they make replicas in their own yachts. Those interiors are difficult to 'carpentry' and do not says really of top high end quality of materials in terms of design, even close like 'Philippe Starck' approach, with use those elements in a clean contrast of mirrors and white dream things. I am just the opinion if you have really a lot of money to drop in a boat, regardless savings, why not deciding for the most high-fi-end definitions of technologies and design appearance, we have today availible spread in shelves, even with a step further in future, instead of using things of 200 years ago? in terms of design. Then you are really odd in ocean, when you could have been a particular top singular taste, like 'A' tried, nobody near enough. Every port you come, you are really unique. You got impressive, instead of just +1 in port...

    Well, i prefer clean, modern, easy-using and feeling myself comfortable enough, sitting in white leather sofas and less wood inside to enjoy. But then many glass-chrome, Murano colors softly stylish object's touches, white granites, shinning stainless steel and so on. Because those old rococo things are really difficult to mantain, with so many holes, clean daily, those bed's covers are difficult to wash and so on. But as i said, each one has a preference. ;) And imense spread tapestry welcome dust.

    But maybe is because i am in Europe, saw already many old castle things, carving churchs, and can't stand them anymore...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2010
  14. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    "Newvida" video. There is something you have to like about this yacht, external design, space, interior design and decor...

    Motor Yacht Newvida - YouTube
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I spent some time on Newvida many many years ago......Delta hull #808.There is not a lot about it that I like. It was very stable and quiet inside despite it's 6' draft. However, the *****'s didn't like a lot about it either and sold it a year or two after having it built and ordered the current Feadship 2007 that's for sale. I like the 1987 172' Feadship they had at the same time much better for various reasons.
  16. C4ENG

    C4ENG Senior Member

    May 19, 2006
    Ft Lauderdale
    That poor girl never received any love in this life. Even now her parents treat her like a unwanted step child and send her to bed with no dinner all the time. I worked with her just a little bit and Delta seemed to put effort in building a quality vessel. I would be curious to know what you dislike about her from back then? I would like to think the *****'s kept up with proper maintenance on her having such a large team of people running there program.
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    It was Delta's first boat of that size and it showed. I think 140' was the largest they built before her. The storage space wasn't designed as well as it should've, and a lot of storage space was missed, such as under staircases and whatnot. If you went into area's behind the joinery like in the Salon on the second level on the sides in the storage area, the joinery was shimmed everywhere with scrap pieces of what looked to be marine ply, of all different shapes, sizes, like 4 pieces deep all screwed together.......little things like that. None of the a/c's blew any air out of the vents, you could put your hand over all of the vents and felt like no pressure coming out of them....The entire boat was under air conditioned.......Even the crew staterooms couldn't be kept at say 72 degrees if you wanted to........Accessing the aft deck windows on the sides near the stern on the outside took a modern miracle. The boat rode well and was stable, and was built strong, however I think a lot more time could've been spent on the functionality, layout, and deck/interior design...........All of the exterior stainless had to be polished on a every 2 week basis because it would tarnish, and you could never get it that clean blueish chrome look, it always was yellowy in color......Egress on the outside from the front of the boat to the stern sucked also, to get from the aft deck to the bow you had to go up 1 set of stairs, down a deck, then down stairs and stuff.......It also had about 1/3-1/2 of the freezer/refrigerator space the Feadship had......Even the Sat TV lost signal for about 120 degrees, because it would be blocked by the masthead.......

    It was kept very well for the first year or two when Jim ***** owned it. Now when you see it on Hillsboro Mile, the crew NEVER washes the Intracoastal side of the boat and it looks disgusting, black streaks, salt, mustache on the bow........
  18. C4ENG

    C4ENG Senior Member

    May 19, 2006
    Ft Lauderdale
    That poor girl, almost like you had to reframe from sharing all her flaws. They have corrected a lot of things you mentioned but yet she still needs another dump truck load of money and time to finish the rest. I doubt she will ever be brought back to any kind of high standard glory.
  19. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Probably not, I hear from 1 source that the Yacht's Manager won't spend enough money to maintain her. And, judging by the ICW side of the boat that is always full of black streaks and never gets washed, the crew doesn't care much either.......But the owner's building a new 40,000 square foot house right across the street from the boat......LOL
  20. C4ENG

    C4ENG Senior Member

    May 19, 2006
    Ft Lauderdale
    I have found he is not good to do business with. He plays strange games with money that insults others and usually causes them to loose in round about ways where he is then right at the end some how. There are shipyards in S Fl that do not even want his business because of that strange so called money saving game that causes problems with others just trying to provide an honest service. I thought maybe the owner was going bankrupt as everything was so cheapened and shorted on board, but then found out it was nothing of the sort. I often wonder if the owner even has a clue to what is really happening on his vessel. It has been in my experience that when I see people shorting the needs of the vessels and other people repeatedly all in the name of "saving money" they are usually digging there hands into the cookie jar for themselves.