Donnerstag, 01. März 2012, 14:14 UHR Kiel: Russe lässt größte Segelyacht der Welt bauen Kiel – Der russische Milliardär Andrej Melnitschenko (39) lässt die größte Segelyacht der Welt in Kiel bauen. Das berichten die „Kieler Nachrichten”. Die Werft Abu Dhabi Mar Kiel habe den Auftrag mit einem geschätzten Wert in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe erhalten. Die Yacht soll zwischen 120 und 140 Meter lang werden. Die Konstruktion stamme von der Rendsburger Werft Nobiskrug, die auch zur Abu-Dhabi-Mar-Gruppe gehört. Am 8. März, dem 40. Geburtstag des russischen Unternehmers, sollen in Kiel die ersten Stahlplatten für den Neubau geschnitten werden. Der Rumpf der „White Pearl”, so der Projektname, solle später in einem überdachten Dock - geschützt vor neugierigen Blicken - zusammengesetzt werden.
Hey you have posted a german text... little correction, she will not be the biggest sailing yacht, the "Dream Symphony" will be 141m long.. For others: A russian ordered a 120 - 140m long sailing yacht, built by ADM Kiel and Nobiskrug is responsible for the naval construction. The steel-cutting will start on 8th March, the owner's 40th Birthday... her project name is "White Pearl".
Google Translate did a pretty good job: Thursday 01 March 2012, 14:14 keel CLOCK: Russians can build the world's largest yacht Kiel - The Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko (39) can be the biggest yacht in the world built in Kiel. The report "Kieler Nachrichten". The shipyard in Abu Dhabi Mar keel had been awarded a contract worth an estimated hundreds of millions. The yacht will be 120-140 feet long. The design came from the shipyard in Rendsburg Nobiskrug, which also belongs to Abu Dhabi Mar Group. On 8 March the 40th Anniversary of the Russian entrepreneur should be cut the first steel plates for the new building in Kiel. The hull of the "White Pearl", the project name should, later in a covered dock - are put together - away from prying eyes.
1. It was said in 2010 that the Dream Symphony would be 141m long, but not already built and probably not gonna be. The White Pearl in other words is gonna to be soon a start of a reality. 2. Then the text came from German Newspapers, not from me. So they are quite correct if the dimensions come as suggest, for a private sailing yacht, while none design is outsourced yet. Google translation made a lot of errors as you saw, for example m to ft.
She is on the way to become reality since 2011...
not already for me, because this is a virtual reality image and YN text, probably from 2010 does not show yet in 2012 a 200m shed production to be real for my eyes. So we are in middle of it before the 2014 to be expected for you to be the truth. So I prefer to wait to live to see, what comes first.
Hi, There is quite a bit of gossip about this yacht. One of the more interesting is the supposed gimballed guest interior? This alone has surely to pose a few problems for the project.
Some new news from the ADM group. There is a very stylistic 75-meter superyacht that will launch very soon. Details on her are almost none but from the design she looks like something very close to what Nobiskrug would have built. Of course as we all know now that Nobiskrug is part of the ADM group. Apparently the new vessel called project 422 is in the same drydock at HDW that "A" once graced. The dock is now flooded so launching could be imminent.
Hi, You will find that this is one of what was originally known as the Six Pack. 6 Boats with 6 Owners, all we're supposedl to be the same or almost the same, wives and girlfriends got involved and things started to come undone. The reall spanner in the works seems to have been the global financial wobble, the creative financing in place to pay for these boats evaporated and the projects were abandoned. The finished one would have been No 1, it's Owner managed to stay the course and get his boat. The oddest part of it all seems to be a contractural clause that has prevented anyone buying the other hull that is partway through construction, I have heard that the yard can't even chop it up even though they have had no money for 4 yrs and counting.
(Mod Note; Material with Copyright deleted) Here is the first, exclusive picture of Project 422, the 75 metre superyacht currently under construction at ADM Kiel. As we revealed in January, this superyacht is one of 2012′s top new yachts, with her launch imminent and delivery scheduled for later this year. Very few details are known about this superyacht at the moment, although her background story is well-know in the industry. She was originally ordered along with five other sisterships, but with the onset of the financial crisis, all but two of the projects were cancelled – this yacht being one of the survivors. It is understood that the other yacht, her sistership, will be fitted out at Nobiskrug. The picture shows that HDW’s famous drydock HDW (superyacht A was the last to leave it) is already flooded, suggesting that the yacht will be launched soon. We’ll bring you updated pictures when that happens. Project 422 will be the first yacht to leave HDW since the yard was rebranded ADM KIel.
Project 423 is also in build...was apparently put on hold but then the project was sold back in 2011 so construction has resumed. Delivery is set for 2013. She looks something like the recently launched 422 Project 423 is essentially the second hull of those five that 'survived'.
(Mod Note; Material with Copyright deleted) Recently sighted at ADM Kiel is the 73 metre superyacht project 423, sistership to superyacht project 422, currently being fitted out before starting her sea trials. Project 423 was originally ordered along with five other sisterships, but with the onset of the financial crisis, all but two of the projects were cancelled – this yacht being the second of the survivors. The project was on hold until she was sold in 2011. Although her hull is being completed at ADM Kiel (ex-HDW yard), it is understood that she will be fitted out at Nobiskrug in Rendsburg. Little else is known about her at present other than the fact that her exterior design comes from German company Focus Yacht Design, and her New Hampton style interior will be designed by H2 Yacht Design for a repeat client, accommodating 12 guests. Project 423 is scheduled to be launched in 2013. Rumor has it that around Kiel she is affectionately known as "The White Rabbit"!!!
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Are there any more rumours about the White Pearl, I have read that it will be 147m, but nothing on designer, sailplan (pretty incredible no doubt) or anything else. If the steel work started last May, then I am surprised nothing more is known.
Hi, Don't be surprised, the team looking after it seem to have it pretty much under wraps too for the time being.