I snapped these photos of Helios this week at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina. She is a 193' Oceanco built in 2001 having had a refit in 2007. Would anyone care to speculate on what all the blue barrels are doing on her deck?
Pegasus V Visiting Fort Lauderdale Always looking good, Pegasus V is visiting the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina.
I was just going to ask the same thing. Usually on tankers and cargo ships those barrels carry extra fuel for the rescue craft or lifeboats or something...but on a yacht???
Heilosnwas in Palau Heilos was in Palau on March 26th. I took these photos my laast day there on a dive trip.
Nice pics as well. It is amazing how far OceAnco's designs have come. Also interesting is that "Helios" was once "Pegasus" and the former "Princess Mariana" is now "Pegasus V", just thought I would throw that in there.
Thanks for posting those dramatic shots! She looks fantastic in her natural environment rather than at dock. I love the sun burst logo on her stern.
The barrels could very well be extra fuel. Or possibly they're thinking of putting a bigger and heavier tender up there and wanted to do stability tests with the same amount of weight? Maybe they had oil in them either waste or fresh oil?