I think it's net slang for someone who's trying to stir things up on a bullet board. Back on topic; in checked out the links. Wow. Incredible stuff. Maybe I'll fly there and hook up with someone in need of an extra hand on their boat.
Just remember those words from the book Wanderer, "The years thunder by, The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is sealed."
Blue Ghost, here's a link to one of the smallest sailboats, the FLICKA, a 20-footer which numerous sailors have used to cross most oceans including the Pacific. I once read the book about a young couple who I believe set out from California aboard a FLICKA destined for French Polynesia. I couldn't find any links to that particular book / voyage, but leave you with this link where many FLICKAs have accomplished similar voyages. Hope that helps the troll...?!
Impossible. Hemp halyards, no gloves. Not a Musto or SLAM logo anywhere. Climbing the rigging without a safety harness. Can't be done. ( Apologies in advance if the irony isn't recognised)
Heh, I should change my screen name to Mister Troll. Seriously, a 20-footer, huh? Wow. I saw a clip on Youtube of some Australian kids with cameras trying to reef their sails in gail winds and high seas. I think they were soloing it on 20-footers. I'm always amazed that you don't hear more in the news about guys an gals trying to brave the ocean alone getting swept overboard never to be heard from again. That stuff really scares the heck out of me, even though I've been out on the ocean several times. But, I guess that's part of the thrill of it all. I'll check out the link. Thanks!
Heh, you know, it just makes you wonder how sailors during the days of exploration did it. Those guys were either truly nuts or brave beyond belief.
Hi, Not all these small boat/men against the sea stories end happily. I remember this one as a kid. Bill's Log: ‘Sea Egg’ Within a couple of years this guy was followed by a small Catamaran crewed by what I recall to be Sth Africans that vanished in the same area. It is kind of ironic that someone can sail halfway round the world going down hill and downwind quite well then they encounter the Bay of Biscay on steroids AKA the Tasman Sea and it all goes badly wrong.