Caught a very 'Big Fish' this week. Editorial in progress, but waiting for a few blurbs from designer Greg Marshall and for a captains perspective; YF's Kenny Bracewell, who joined me for a private tour of the boat so we could get the details needed for a YF review. While processing pics, I came across a good Yacht Shot...
Hi, Was that what you took when you did your tour or was it one of the ones from the launch party in Auckland?
This was done to welcome YF for a review. I told 'em it was a little over the top... (joking. Pic was from Auckland launch)
Other than Maltese Falcon, this will probably be my favorite review. I can't wait, and thanks again for all your work, Carl.
While clearing out my inbox of large file attachments, I came across this shot of Big Fish. It was included with a few images taken in Antarctica. Not sure if this is a dusk or dawn pic... so "Red sky in morning, sailor's take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight".
Processing a group of shots taken by Dana Jinkens onboard Horizon's PC-58 Cat, here's another Caribbean sunset that most of us behind keyboards aren't enjoying right now...
uss reagan coming in to puget sound just thought i would share a few pictures i took (in carls favorite air plane on my way home a few weeks back )
Here are some photo's of Helix on a YP freighter being shipped to Japan. As well as some other boats on the freighter that left Port Everglades late Wedneday night, sorry I didn't post earlier I didn't take the time to resize them.
Well done Milow... there are a few yachts around with bow garage doors... from Ester III to Exuma to Nataly to Vava ii and so on
I know this is an old thread but thought I would send a pic since it showed up again today. My wife who is in the picture always said this was her favorite ice cream flavor.
A friend in the biz dropped me some pics of Abeking & Rasmussen's 80m Excellence. Looked like a good pic for the Yot-Shot thread...