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Replacing stainless exhaust risers on Hatteras 70 -1990

Discussion in 'Hatteras Yacht' started by Capt MAP, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Capt MAP

    Capt MAP New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Ft lauderdale
    I am planning a 1500 mile trip from ft. Laud to BVI. I am concerned about age of exhaust risers that mix the sea water with exhaust before discharging. These elbows are mounted right next to the turbos on the 12v92 detroits. No sign of exterior leakage but concerned about internal failure and resulting damage to turbos and engines. They are original install in 1990. Plan on running at 1000rpm during trip. Also concerned about boost coolers failing internally causing same potential damage to engines. Water does not compress well! Is there any way to test these parts or must I replace them due to age?? Capt MAP
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Exhaust risers rarely leak saltwater into an engine if they fail. Usually they leak externally. Boost coolers can be pressure tested. What gives you an indication that any of these parts are suspect?
  3. Capt MAP

    Capt MAP New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Ft lauderdale
    Speaking with my mechanic of 8 years these are his concerns. He ran Rolly Marine in Ft. Lauderdale for 20 years .
  4. Capt MAP

    Capt MAP New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Ft lauderdale
    I want these old engines to continue to live. They have about 1800 hours on them. 60k to rebuild both in frame. Not smoking run strong now. Just thought perhaps good insurance although do not really want to spend the money. About 4k per engine for risers and 2k per engine boost coolers. 12-15k for all with labor at a minimum. M
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I ran a 1988 75' Hatteras MY on a 5300NM trip in 2008. Neither the risers or any of the coolers were a concern for RPM Diesel (the local DD authorized dealer). We had no issues with any of that stuff. I cannot remember if the boost cooler typically leaks externally or internally when they go. But have never had an issue with one on all the boats Ive run and maintained over the years. I had one DD transmission cooler go bad and leak once.
  6. Capt MAP

    Capt MAP New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Ft lauderdale
    Sounds encouraging. Yes I know RPM. What speed did you run her at? What was fuel burn average? Any suggestions on pre trip maintenance and spare parts to be placed on board?
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    On the engines, change oil and filter, all fuel filters, have a tune-up done on them (adjust rack,injectors, and valves), change raw water impellors, inspect coolant and heat exchangers (replace/clean) as needed, change zincs, clean air filters, belts if so equipped. Same for generators (if both gens are the same a spare raw water pump is a good idea). On the gears change fluid and clean/change filter. change shaft and rudder packing if so equipped.

    Spare Parts- plenty of fuel filters both primary and secondary, raw water impellors, belts (if equipped with any), oil filters and enough oil to do at least 1 oil change plus oil for adding, 3 empty oil drain buckets, engine zincs, a spare fuel injector or two, hose clamps of all sizes, 4' pieces of wire bound wet exhaust hose all applicable sizes, fuses, light bulbs, bilge pumps, float switches, a good wiring kit, tools, filter wrenches, shaft and rudder packing if so equipped.

    We did 5300 NM on 7500 gallons. The first leg was Ft. Laud to Beaufort, NC and we burned 750 gallons to go 550NM, this was all at 1000 rpms, and then 1950 rpms for 30mins every 6 hours. The next day I ran at cruise all day from Beaufort to Coinjock and burned 700 gallons to go about 140 NM, but there were 30 knot winds. Everything in the Great lakes was at 1000rpms/cruise every 6 hours for 30 mins. BUT, there were area's where we couldn't do 1000 rpms and did around 800 due to wake laws and such. It also included a lot of idling waiting for locks and such. We also ran a generator pretty much non-stop and anchored 3 out of 4 nights and it's fuel usage is included in that. At 1000 rpms we averaged 10 knots, at 800 rpms about 8 knots, at 1950 around 16.5 knots. This particular boat had an extension and at 1000 rpms fuel balance made a great deal in speed. If the balance got off by 50 gallons foward or aft, she'd slow down from 10.3 knots to 8.5 knots.
  8. Capt MAP

    Capt MAP New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
    Ft lauderdale
    Thank you for your extensive answer it was very helpful!!!
  9. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    I had a boost cooler on a 16-92 fail under load and it allowed water to enter the cylinders. It bellowed black smoke and sounded horrible which warranted an immediate shut down. The engine then needed a full rebuild.