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The Wealth Gap Widens...

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by YachtForums, Nov 8, 2011.

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  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The problem is that way too many Americans have lost that American Pride. Way too many Americans are looking to the government for some kind of hand out, instead of doing what they've got to do to survive. 48% of Americans are recieving some sort of government assistance and 52% of Americans aren't paying any income tax. Where's the pride in that. There have been times when I was jobless and broke, yet never once did I collect any type of government assistance. I washed boats, fixed whatever I could, to make a buck and pay my bills and nothing then was beneath my pride.
  2. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    I believe we brought much of this on ourselves regarding the OWS thing.
    We have raise a bunch of kids, ( still kids, regardless of their age ) that have been given everything and had zero resposibility.
    If they did poorly in school it was the teacher's fault.
    If they did poorly in athletics, they got a trophy anyhow.
    These kids were never taught how to stand on their own.
    They always have had Mom & Dad to bail them out. And Mom and Dad loved their kids and didn't want them to get hurt so bail them out they did.
    Now that these kids are older and are expected to take responsibility for themselves, they are not equiped to do so and want the Gov't to take over where Mom and Dad left off.

    Hence the " pay my college tuition " demands.
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I think you're absolutely right on the first part (although it's a problem that we created, not them), but I think what they expected was the opportunity to earn a living, and a level playing field. I don't see anybody asking for a hand out.
    As for the "pay my tuition" demands, I'm from the old school thinking of "You borrow it, you pay it back". Although the thought of starting life with unaffordable housing, no job and a $100,000 debt raises some issues. Maybe college is good for the nation, but the school of hard knocks is a better school to attend for most. We have too many (in their minds) future CEOs and not enough people planning to just work. But then again, if there are no middle class jobs then it's CEO or poverty. Perplexing dilemma, and the one that OWS is seeking an answer to.
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I worked full time and paid for my schooling and went to college full time at a state university. I did it then, and it can be done now. This BS where kids finance their entire college education to get a bachelor's degree is utter BS. Kids are just lazy. If you are in law school or med school, where you have no time to work a job also, then it's acceptable to get a student loan. But every kid nowadays finances their bachelors degree because they're simply lazy.

    There are jobs out there, the college graduates don't want to take a job fresh out of college for $32k a year. They expect $50k +. What is someone with a sheet of paper in their hand and no prior job experience worth? When I had graduated (granted I did not get a job with my BS in finance), I had already held assistant management positions for other companies and also had owned a few successful businesses with my own. Most kids these days go through college without having ever had to work a job, and have no real world job experience whatsoever coming out of college. Even if a kid works at a Grocery store stocking shelves prior to graduating college, they know responsibility of showing up on time, customer service, pick up how a business operates, and many other things. How is someone supposed to get a management job fresh out of college at the same grocery store with a management degree, if they have no idea how to manage people or what a grocery store's day to day operations are. A degree is only a sheet of paper, just like a Captain's license. It really boils down to the real world experience they have on their resume, and/or the real world experience they've had behind the helm, same thing. It's the person behind the degree that gets the job, not the sheet of paper they're holding. I think $15/hr ($32k a year) is more than enough money for over half of the fresh college graduates with a Bachelor's degree that are still sucking on mommy for life support, yet they've been brainwashed that a sheet of paper will guarantee them $50k instantly.

    I too agree that too many parents have babied their kids, and made them unable to be self sufficient.
  5. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    NYCAP123 wrote:
    Please git a hold of yer britches thare NYCAP123...?! The USA apparently spends more today in real terms (not just as a % of GDP) on military spending and self-defense than all the other 193 member states recognised as members of the UN combined. Think about that. Then consider and perhaps comment on, who in fact trully are the global aggressors and/or peace-keepers...?!

    And if all these other 193 EU member states spend so little, perhaps it's simply because they can't afford to (or just won't simply anymore) spend unaffordable sums to support their own corrupt military-industrial complexes like you have to in USA...?!

    IMHO, the USA should "START" talks with China asap. With the intention of negotiating limits on the number of aircraft-carriers each of these 2 countries should be allowed to operate over the next 10-20 years. It's abundantly clearer today that the USN / USAF program to gradually replace existing combat aircraft with the JSF aircraft variants is comparable to throwing billions of dallars down the drain. When operating off a carrier for example, these new generation aircraft will have an operational range which is much less than the distance the carriers will have to remain offshore from say the Chinese mainland, protected by current generation Chinese anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles...?! Forgive me for my sarcasm, but unavoidable.

    It's perhaps high-time that the USA perhaps considered spending 50% of its' defense budget in programs which contributed to the immediate well-being of civilian populations, even in nations where "purported enemies and terrorists" usually rule. And finish with dealing with dictators (Ghaddafi springs to mind)...?

    My 2 cents worth...
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Care to name the company that is hiring that doesn't have 1,000 applicants for each position offered?
    In my area a garbage house or apartment is about $1,300 a month. That's $15,600 per year before heat, elec, water, groceries, a car and gas for that car (no public transportation doesn't cut it here and most employers won't hire you if you must depend on it) plus 8.65% sales tax. $32,000 - 28% tax = $23,040. That leaves $7,440 per year to pay all those other life necessities plus $100,000 debt. You've just described poverty. BTW, most jobs offered to those with no experience are paying under $10 per hour and offer not benefits or insurance. I spent (1) night in a hospital this summer. $28,000. They wanted to keep me longer and threatened that my insurance could refuse payment if I left. At least I had insurance though, and enough clout to make my threats more intimidating than theirs.
    Oh and BTW, there is a movement afoot to abolish the minimum wage as well as to break all unions. What will starting salaries & benefits be then?
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You're a very fortunate person or at least you were until 10 months ago. Most people have a 3 month cushion if they're lucky. Obviously, if you've been able to accumulate those toys, you're a very accomplished person. That leads to the question of why you're still OOW after 10 months. We all know the answer and I don't get the feeling it's because you're lazy. Makes one wonder about the possibilities for the 99%. Good luck.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Airship, you'll be happy to know that our defense budget is about to be slashed big time or so it appears. Hopefully there will be no more need to spend our future on it again in the near future.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Well, in your area things might be different and so might wages be. However, most 23 year olds graduating college could live fairly nicely on $32k a year in 95% of the country. What do you expect a 23 year old should expect to make $100k a year? Again, there is no excuse for financing your entire bachelors degree, there is plenty of time to work full time to pay for your full time college education. I did it, and so did many of my friends. Then again, we are all successful because we have the will to work and go out and work for what we want, not borrow for it. I also know of plenty of people making 6 figures with NO college education, but they have intelligence and a good work ethic. Hell, there are lots of Captains making 6 figures with no college education. There are lots of Captains making $75k a year on a full time postion with no living expenses and benefits.

    It's a poor excuse. There are jobs out there. Everyone I know is employed, and the ones that aren't didn't have a good work ethic to begin with (of the people I know). Companies always can the ****** employees first. In fact I've turned down 4 Full Time Captaining positions this year that all paid very well, for good owners, on good boats, with a good program. All I needed to get the job was say yes.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I'm glad things are going well for you, and I'm proud of your work ethic. I'm doing quite well also, and got there by the sweat of my brow and an entrepreneurial mindset. Unfortunately there are major demonstrations going on right this minute around the country and around the world pointing out that the opportunities we had or were able to make for ourselves just don't exist today. I grew up aspiring to be middle class. There is no more middle class, and there's only so much room at the top. The rest is the 99%.
  11. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    I am sure you have heard of the phrase "Balance of Power"?

    Well as much as I actually DO agree with you on talks rather than missiles and aircraft carriers, It does NOT WORK unless both parties or all parties have equal win/loss balance.
    If the US decided to go back to its early 20th Century policy of Isolationism, and left Europe, Australia, Asia etc. to care for itself then you on the Riviera would be working for a Chinese or more likely Russian (under Putin or someone similar), much of Europe would either be Muslim or Russian ruled, Australia would be speaking Chinese as would parts of Indonesia and Japan would be in deep trouble. As for Aggressors, you like to point at the US a lot, sometimes rightly so, but mostly it's either pre-emptive or necessary.
    Do you really believe Europe is a peaceful continent? Think back to the Balkans, Sarajevo, Ethnic cleansing etc. Then Russia invading Georgia!…all done in the last few years.
    Airship I am no US sycophant, but I am sure of this, take the US out of the picture and you and millions of others would AGAIN be just surviving & doing as you are told!
    Just my 2 c worth
  12. Puddle Pirate

    Puddle Pirate Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Temporarily stuck in the great white north, Willis
  13. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Are you the producer or just the promoter of that? That's the 6th time you've tried to sell us that site. We heard you the first 5. Each of us have our sources that we know and trust for information. I'm sure there are those who believe Bill O'Riley speaks straight from God. I'm sure there are those who say Chris Mathews does. I'll decide what propoganda I view when and if I decide. Please don't try to sell it.
  14. Puddle Pirate

    Puddle Pirate Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Temporarily stuck in the great white north, Willis
    I am an activist. I don't just sit around and watch the news and sit around the coffee table BSN. And I gave up on main stream media long ago which does include FOX (though they try to deny thier part of it). Every one on this thread has been selling thier personal ideals (which is good), but especially you. I haven't been out to offend you with my preaching any more than I'm sure you have with yours.
  15. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Aren't we all forced to be today. Tell me your ideas and opinions. Tell me the news. Tell me of something relevant that you think we'd benefit to see. 6Xs? Don't sell me anything. I don't trust the lefts propaganda machine any more than I do the right's. My feeling is that the first thing you give up when you become a politician is your honesty, followed closely by your compassion.
  16. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia

    I'm with you on this NYCAP.
    So we have an ACTIVIST!!! WOW, congrats! Now go push your propaganda elsewhere. This is “Yacht Forums” not the local park where you bring your microphone.
    No more from me on this thread, let the "activist" push his stuff, I am back to boating threads!
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    What you are failing to realize in the entire big picture is this. Something is worth only what someone else is willing to pay for it. Whether that be a house, a yacht, or for Labor (employee). An employee is only worth what they have to offer, and what someone else is willing to pay for what they have to offer. A Captain such as yourself or me, is only worth what an owner is willing to pay (you or me). Employees with exceptional skills, work ethic, and/or knowledge will always demand a premium. But, a college graduate is not entitled a certain pay grade just because they went to college. You want to make more and be paid more than the next guy, well you have to be better than the next guy or your competition. Plain and simple.
  18. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    If you believe in the commodification of people I suppose that is a fair appraisal. However, since most of us have been trying to move beyond the institutions of serfdom and the soviet approach to social structure, it is a shame to read that sort of attitude about one's neighbors.
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    What you fail to realize is where the true power lies. When I moved back to Long Island captains were earning $125 per day. I organized them and the rate today is upward of $400 per day. All I had to do was point out that there were more boat jobs than qualified captains in this area, and the people they were working for thought nothing of spending $5,000 for a day on the water. I also pointed out that they had 3 months to earn their years salary, and before you say 'get another job in the off season', remember those boats that want to move in November and March and the couple that need to move in January. But since the captains were the labor part of the equation owners felt they could cheap out there so they'd have more to spend on restaurants, resorts and trophy wives. It's very hard to sell a product if nobody is there to build it or sell it for you. It's very hard to do business with 500 protestors camped out in your lobby. It's very hard to take your yacht off the dock without crew. Do you have any idea what crazy money people spend on a house in the Hamptons. My house there would sell for 5 times what it does here, and they spend it because that's what it costs. People will pay what they have to to get what they want. Only a fool or a slave allows himself to be sold short. As for "a college graduate is not entitled a certain pay grade just because they went to college", if the employers want someone who has invested tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in their education then they have to pay for it. Otherwise hire the High School dropout if you think you can get by with that, and run your own yacht if you don't want to pay what a captain must charge to live. People who undercut their industry's labor to steal jobs are short sighted scabs who will one day be slaves.
    BTW, those that tried to undercut rates in this area soon found that their referrals dried up along with their careers.
  20. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    CaptainJ you wrote this awhile back: "he's got his butt on the line as well as his time and money, his income should rise." Why does that only apply to a boss and not to the guy who has invested several years of his life and tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars getting the education that the employers demand?
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