Let's not make this a political bashing (please). Honestly. I was sent this by someone who knows I've spent many a days in a bottle or on the water, and perhaps both simultaneously. It was humorous to me, and I hope you find it the same.
This evening, I picked up a couple bottles of port wine among other essentials at the grocery store. While in the check-out line, I listened to two people debating which drinks are favored by different political persuasions, i.e., do democrats drink beer and republicans drink wine? I found myself wondering... if I'm a right-winger, why am I drinking port?
Because starboard would leave a bad taste in your mouth????????? Not to mention it's pretty hard to chew
You always bring a smile to my face Carl. Thank you! If I may borrow it, I'm sure to get a few [nautical] miles out of it.
I wholeheartedly object to calling anyone who never burrowed for a bottle a "drunk". My last line of denial defense, anyways