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38 Riviera Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    OOPS.. Nav station.. will it save us from Irene? NO!!

    Well this one was tricky.. how to build a nice navigation center that does not look like an add-on basement job that you can lock with ease. Well Garmin has the goods.. they got it and man is it easy to use and does it all. I studied RayMarine too.. Garmin 1200 won by a long shot in my books.

    Now you see it, then you do not. We built a curved header above to fit it in and it looks great (two dimensional header peice will get header white padding, enough wood ... you can see out and it obstructs nothing much.

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  2. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Hungry or Thirsty?

    Now.. boy was I glad to get away from the Wood Butchers of Maryland.
    These people in the Carolinas do it right and they are fair... more than fair. Maryland/Annapolis area might be for Crabs, but it is not for Craftsman. They left with Trumpy. See James.. The man is an artist!

    Well, when we redesigned the interior on a napkin.. oh yes, a napkin.. we got it right... Probably have gained another 25% in space by cold molding into the hull, particualry the bow. I looked at every weld. 40 years later not one cracked weld!!.. Now that's amazing and she did see some ruff stuff over the years.

    The kitchen boasts a side by side Novacool, three burner smoked glass Kenyon downdraft cooktop, Corain/ Wilsonart bull nosed countertop, a recessed trash bin to the right of the faucet, deep sink, lots of big sliding drawers as well as a hidden vented convection Microwave.

    In the floor we built a fully drainable insulated ice chest draining into the shower sump. The stairs offer more storage too. Last but not least AMTICO flooring.. that is an amazing product. looks real, choose your wood and strip widths.. each is individually cut and looks so good. Though you can't see it, Amtico is only in the kitchen/ bath area... then it has a Hickory half-mooned swail joining to carpet in the living area.

    In the half wall lies a remote control BAR "The Sand Bar" on a 12V actuator... this is what folks really get a chucke over. Hit your keychain.. up comes a fully stocked Bar with 6 Jet aircraft cantors engraved with spirit of choice. Yes, she is lit from underneath too. It looks like a plain galley, but under the hood lie some Bondian delights... just can't grow up I guess :)

    Yes.. she was pulled out of a junk yard of sorts 8 years ago... all earned the hard way, no free bees. Love those metal hulls!

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  3. Ysmiley

    Ysmiley New Member

    Sep 16, 2011
    Lake Minnetonka, MN

    Where can I find a flybridge like yours for my 37' Roamer. You guys did a beautiful job on that Roamer!
  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Careful... Not easy

    Look for an early 70's Luhrs or Silverton. They are similar in the 30 foot range. Coincidetally the lines match the Roamer perfectly but the length and width must be cropped and reglassed. Also due to all the glass... the 37 Roamer top will rack in a breaching sea particularly if the windows are open.... you must reinforce in two ways and the project is major. Think twice before you undertake. My ladder came from an old Tiara...great job quality but big bucks when must also go to a seastar steering system. No question the bridge doubles the enjoyment and view... but it is a large commitment. Yes ... there is some cult status associated with good old Roamers... maybe even as much as Bertram 31's in a sense.... but unless you make the commitments to do It right, you just get an old boat with another coat of paint. Roamers are very labor intensive to rebuild and complicated in some ways. If they built it today, it would be cost prohibitive. Technically production boats but in the end they are and were very hand built. The hulls are indestructible... but Chris was known for this back then.... particularly the Roamer and Commander. Then there were the 46 52 and 57 Connies.... We are talking beautiful furniture there. Roamers... big back decks, great walk around gunners, seats upfront and a total classic slick Bondian look.... Is it worth doing?... well, you will find out what you are made of. Never look back, never quit, never cheat.... keep the end look in mind at all times and you can and will achieve your dream. Thank you for your compliment but it was not easy and for those who do it will find one of the greatest of personal satisfactions.... one that can't be brought:... be part of maintaining 'The Legend of Chris Craft.'
  5. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Teak Search

    Well.. we have learned a few things about Teak along the way. First, Teak is not Teak.... you have to hand pick it from piles from the right place with trees grown in a certain slope in a special forest in Burma. It should be quarter sewn vertical grain golden with few if any knots or pinholes.

    Well, I grabbed a $99 flight to West Palm to the supplier of the nation's finest marine hardwoods. The same place Teak Deck Systems and Ribovich gets their wood.... or some of it.

    These folks were very helpful and took their time to teach and assist in the selection process. Any of you looking for any type of wood can find it here at a fair price, not cheap but not over-priced either... bottom line is high quality.

    We looked through many piles of beautiful Burmese teak... and picked each board until we had what is known as "Super Deck" or A++ grade teak from older Burmese Teak trees 60 years plus... otherwise known as Tectona Grandis. Each board is 1/2 inch thick and 1/7/8 wide.

    In the following photos you can see the results.... I recommend anyone looking for teak or any exotic lumber of veneer to call these boys and ask for Jeff.... I mean if it grows, they got it and they won't rip you off.... most rip-offs are reserved for the state of Maryland.

    I am not a fan of fake teak decks (Plastique or TekDeck).. they get hot and really are not that much cheaper. Would you rather wear a polyester suit or a wool suit?.... plus wood is far less slippery and more beautiful.
  6. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Let's take a peak..

    Here are the boys at West Palm Beach....
    They have two outlets, one in North Carolina and the other in Florida.... selection is a bit stronger in Florida, but both offer a lot of wood. If you are upgrading your Roamer... this is the place to shop for wood... they even various selections of carpet teak carpet in a variety of colors for those looking for teak carpet.

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  7. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Stay tuned...

    These things take years... I mean to rebuild a Roamer right.... a little bit at a time.... a hobby, well that's an understatement. We have sprayed the final coat of Dupont Chromaclear 7900'S on the cockpit... in the end, two coats of Mass Epoxy, both sanded to baby's butt smoothness, then 5 coats of Chromaclear, then sanded down again, then, 5 more coats, then sanded again and 4 more topcoats.... it is not much different than autobody.... different but similar... Well, No, we did not go the Mako route. Each coat was flat blocked because a mirror finish magnifies even the slightest imperfection.... not sure I would recommend this process to most... it's just too hard. Also, be aware that Maas Epoxy will make the wood darker than varnish.. you do lose a bit of that golden varnish glow in exchange for lifetime (almost) durability and relatively no maintenance. Stay tuned as we near the final stages.

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  8. Caledonia

    Caledonia New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Saint Paul MN

    Excellent series of posts. I'm 4 years into my 2 year process on a 1966 37' only 2 years left to go. I completely agree with your recommendation to envision the finished product. I see mine on the north shore of Lake Superior.
    I don't have your resources to afford a $35/hr guy. I work pretty cheep a stellar rehab you have there.
    I'm with you on the no square corner's check out the door to the head.
  9. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Resources.. what resources?

    I mean once you it prepped it is worth it to call a good painter in for the day. It's the prep that kills. Went to the Annapolis show yesterday... nice boats in the 38 range were 700-800 or more. Oh my.. a $875 for a 42 Sea Ray and the interior was gross.. plastic and cheesy. I was not impressed and could not believe anyone would spend that for that. Smart money buys a good old boat and fixes it up.. that is for sure. The old Roamers are good, but they are older... its a labor of love. Remember, I did most of the prep on my old girl myself.

    I do have a guy who works for $35.00 per hour and is the finest Awlgrip painter... do the prep and pay him 10 hours to cherry the job... that is not bad and the only way it is affordable and have it look right. He will fly to you too. People who paint their own Roamers get what they paid for... that's an art to do it right.

    Thank you for your compliment.. your boat came from Chicago I think.

  10. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    Please share your pictures on Add Your Roamer
  11. Caledonia

    Caledonia New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Saint Paul MN
    Some teaser photos

    As requested see some PDF's of the project

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  12. TeakGuyFL

    TeakGuyFL Guest

    Thanks for the kudos!
    Looking forward to the finished pics!
  13. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Dear Chase,

    I'm surprised you are able to spell because you apparently can't read. What part of our rules did you not understand during the registration process? I have removed your facebook promo and you just lost your membership. What's sad is this isn't the first time YF has been spammed by your company therefore any references or links to same are being stripped from this thread.
  14. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Ouch... ooh that's harsh

    Well, I can't see where "Chase" who I do not know did bad? It appears he simply thanked me for appreciating their offerings. The quote was mine as a customer not his nor did these folks ask me to say a word... seemed to me they were unaware of YF because I did indeed inquire.

    I feel there is a great shortage in USA of skilled craftspeople and when a member of YF finds one, that other members want to know who some of these people are. Obviously this forum is very high volume and since it is virtually impossible to find great craftspeople and honest high-end suppliers, this is our way of saying thank you too as customers as well as assist YF members.

    Well, on this one.. we will have to agree to disagree, but I don't make the rules just try to add things to help and inspire others as well... to preserve a great American breed and introduce a hobby of hobbies to guys who may be sick and tired of their jobs or God only knows what else and just want to chip away at a dream of sorts... a walk back in time, a time that most will agree was for more golden than the trials of today. Be it a classic car or boat... more than being mere vehicles, they are momentos of a time worth honoring and to a degree reliving.... Golden retrospect.

    I like Roamers.. no question about this...45 years still going strong in the marine environment... but you have to give it to Chris Craft from this era.. I mean these boats are still going strong. And most of us do the restoration work or a lot of it ourselves and hire skill when we absolutely need it.

    Allow the next photo to serve as what did come out of Chase's stock as a finished product by a very fine craftsman and Joiner.... a man named James. This is what "A" quality Burmese teak looks like... FEQ1 tight vertical grain, w/minimal silika of a golden color. No knots, Nice consistent tone, 1/8th groove. A tree like this is grown on a specific slope in Myanmar (Burma) and is likely 60- 90 years old. Another acronym is "Superdeck."

    Why not let YF eyes decide? Members on this forum do write from time to time and do ask who some good honest skilled folks are. Need a Painter, Joiner, Welder, Supplier or Chromer... whatever you need... why not go to the good ones.
  15. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    14 coats Dupont Chromaclear over 2 Maas Epoxy coats

    Chris Craft used a 3/8th inch ribbon stripe Sapele veneer. What you are looking at here is 3/4'' ribbon stripe Sapele from Greece (no longer available) with Coast Guard approved sound deadening material sprayed on the back with 2 inches if foam sound deadener. Though it does not look much different than original except the poles are bigger and the African Sappele Mikore wrapped poles for a bit of an elegant touch. This finish will get blocked one more time and buffed just like a car. If you look closely, the triangle part that used to be removable plastic curtain is now sold tinted safety glass. I run around doing this or that and installing much myself. Everything was earned the hard way.

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    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  16. JustMag

    JustMag Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    You are going to have a real gem there when finished! Homer, could you describe, either here or in PM, the process, and products, used to achieve this finish?? Trying to improve my finishing skills. The depth of the finish is amazing
  17. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Not easy... Justmag

    I do not recommend trying this is you are not a pro or not with one... the process is very time consuming and has to be done just right with the right products. I have played around with this stuff on this boat for over 35 years.. remember this was my dad's boat he bought new when I was only 12 years old. .. and it was near junk 10 years ago.

    I believe in learning how to do the prep and do it right and then calling in the best sprayers you can to shoot it... it does not cost much that way.. they charge for their time and spraying is fast.. it's 95% prepwork.
    "Enrique" will fly to you and his hourly rate is around $30-35/hour plus a shoot fee. I have yet to see anyone spray Awlgrip or hold a gun better plus he is a very nice person and no crotchity "Painter attitude." Air Tran him for $99 bucks. Plus, Enrique does works like a whirling dirvish... believe me twice as fast as the normal worker.

    If you send me a private message with your phone number I would be happy to share ideas with you though. There is no "royal road to geometry" here... its hard work and patience beyond patience. If you are tired of you wife and pray for her to leave you... restore a Roamer... that should do the trick :)
  18. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Homer Roamer goes to sea...

    homeryoutubification's Channel - YouTube

    It's finally time to leave North Carolina.... home of the slow but good.

    Well as the restoration nears its final days terrorism hits the seen.
    Not the sort fabricated by the TSA and their dubious dukes but... real terror... natural terror.

    "Don't worry George... we're in a Roamer!"

    Little did we know the Northeaster we would drive straight into was just north of Norfolk at the mouth of the Atlantic reporting 40 knot winds... well we thought we were so macho but Mother Nature showed us who was boss... and it was not us.

    The Roamer was fine... we were doing the best we could finding laughter to circumvent the fear and terror. The Yanmars purred, the Roamer knapped.. but we were a bit shtn pants at moments.

    I mean we are only 38 feet. Truth be known.. not one creak on the Roamer.. not one.. that was amazing to us both... a little glass rattle but that's a quick fix.

    The Coast Guard said absolutely not to go, we even went to the station to inquire... and they posted three days of small craft warnings.

    Our reply... "Yes Sir, but we are in a Roamer"... and it looked like this... NO turning back now...

    "There are old pilots and bold pilots... but no old bold pilots"... We just got lucky and we were all alone out there. "But we're in a Roamer"

    George kept singing that Gordon Lightfoot song "Edmund Fitzgerald"... I was just about to throw him overboard if he sung it one more time.

    Homer lives to swim another day
  19. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
  20. Jim Reed

    Jim Reed Member

    Sep 25, 2006
    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Hey Homer, thank you for the heads up on the teak supplier. I too don't want to break the rules and guidelines but it's nice to know where I can get the good stuff. I plan on going to the Miami boat show and will look them up. I'm going to lay teak on my aft deck and it just has to look perfect. Enjoyed your Video. I don't know how big those waves were but there a lot bigger than we get on the Tennesee River. Took my 41 to the Tenn. LSU game in October and averaged 2900 RPM. When several Sea Rays tried to pass me I ran her up to 3800 RPM until I got to the stadium which was several miles away. It showed 25 MPH on the GPS. She really did well.