I always enjoy it when a yacht appears in a movie that I'm watching. Most of my friends barely notice them, while I often find myself pausing/rewinding to get a better look. Some memorable recent ones are: - Sunseeker 108 and Spirit 54 in the new James Bond "Casino Royale" - PJ's "Helios 2" when it was still Anson Bell makes an appearance in "Syrianna" - Wallypower 118 is is "The Island" - CRN's "White Knight" in "Bourne Identity" That is obviously a far from complete list, so please add what you can!
The one's that really stood out in m y mind that they had the camera on long was the WallyPower 118 In The Island and the Sunseeker Predator 108, I wonder which one was that? M3?
The movie "The Big Bounce" with Owen Wilson and Morgan Freeman, features the 120' motor yacht Christensen built Bah Humbug. The yacht's name during the movie is Allison and is shown after a refit given to the addition of a new stern cockpit. On the movie "Two weeks notice", the Benetti shown would be 115 Classic hull #7 Symphony. To prove it, it is sufficient to check out the end credits of the movie where special thanks are made to the owner of the Motor Yacht "Symphony". Other famous yachts featured on movies: Striptease - 172ft Big Eagle (in the movie its called "Big Sugar") Syriana - 156 ft Helios II (ex-Anson Bell). Clear and Present Danger - 147ft Feadship Antarctica (ex Enchanter) Overboard - Attessa (later 142 ft Huntress, which sank after a fire) Indecent Proposal - 142ft Atessa, following her refit Swept Away - 120ft Fair Lady and an Azimut 80 Carat Donnie Brasco - 110ft Christensen-built R. Rendezvous Rush Hour 2- Taipan III The Bourne Identity - 148ft White Knight Hitch - 118ft Perini "Gitana" The Greek Tychon - Lady Sarya (ex La Belle Simone) 007 Never Say Never Again - 280ft Benetti "Nabilia (Today Kingdom 5KR) 007 GoldenEye - Northern Cross 007 The Living Daylights - Moonmaiden II
Bond's boats Apparently they used 5 different Sunseekers in the filming of the new Bond, although only two appear in the film. And on top of that they built a complete stage replica of the interior of the 108 which was then dismantled, moved, and reassembled on hydraulics to mimic "the motion of the ocean".
does any one know what boat was in the movie 2 fast 2 furious. in the end when the drug dealer is trying to get away.
50 Cent's - Just a lil bit - Azimut 55 feautes a lot in it. I think in Transporter 2 there are several Cranchis the bad guys travel in. Anyone know what yachts are on the front cover of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels DVD? One of my favourite films!
Fools Gold features Keri Lee, although in the movie I think it is named Precious Gem. She is a 138' tri-deck from Sovereign Yachts.
Interesting subject... I wanted to start it but did a search first... Any other yachts in newer movies?
What yacht in the intro of Goldeneye in port Hercule Monaco? edit - sorry i see it's answered! thanks!
I am loking out my office window at a 70' Striker for sale by the name of WAR EAGLE. This boat was seen by many of us in the movie CADDY SHACK, starring Rodney Dangerfield. There was a great scene where he was throwing a huge wake around the harbor and then dropped his anchor into the cockpit and through the bottom of a sailboat.
Hello all, I don't know the real name of the MY in the movie but it is referred to as "Immaculata" in the movie Overboard with Goldie Hawn ... anyone know the real name? Fantastically Hysterical Movie
Into The Blue A BEAUTIFUL yacht called "Jessica Alba" and actor Uniesse 58......errrr yeh, a UNIESSE 58, but who cares when Jess is Into the Blue!
Does anyone know if the boat in the opening few scenes of the movie Killers (auston Kutcher) was the Floridian ex aussie rules, it looks like her but not quite sure. Thanks
I believe it might be the S/Y Annagine Type: Bestevaer 76S Name: Annagine (now: 'Aurelius') Designer: Gerard Dijkstra & Partners Date of building: 2004 LOA: 23.20 m LWL: 17.20 m Beam: 5.22 m Displacement: +/- 45.7 ton Draught: 2.80 m Rig: Sloop Material hull: Aluminium http://www.kmy.nl/aluminium-sailing-yachts.php?page=km_jachten_bestevaer_12