Viking 82' I realize this is not the largest sportfisherman, but I thought they were cool pics. The last picture is of a 64' versus the 82'. I know it may be hard to tell but the 64' is on the right.
Rampage, These posts have been moved to the Viking forums. The last pic was accidentally deleted while re-sizing. If you want to add it again, feel free, but keep images under 640 pixels. It looks like these shots were taken at the Port of Palm Beach (aka Lake Worth Inlet)... ?
Rampage, I re-sized the pic for you. Please adhere to our image size rules; no larger than 640 pixels in width. Thanks.
This picture reminds me of when I brought a client's 68 Sunseeker down to Lauderdale. I kept warning him that his boat was going to shrink (On Long Island it was an eye catcher). We pulled through the 17th St bridge and saw another Sunseeker. He asked if it was a 60 and I had to tell him that no it's about an 80.
Fantastic photos, both boats are looking Goooooood! Can I have the Jim Smith please? Only joking, Just
I was out fishing the day those pics were taken- I was the only boat out beside the Viking 82. I drive the 65 Donzi "Sea Deuce" that the from the floating dock are taken from- yes it was Lake Worth inlet- Sailfish Marina, the charter dock to be precise. It was "Donzi" weather that day as several of us Donzi captains jokingly call it. I stayed out for an hour- the Viking came in after less than an hour- but I doubt they were fishing- I'm sure they went on a rough seas sea trial as many folks were on the boat including Pat Healy if my vision was not fooling me. The 82's bow is a monster- much larger than the 74. I have not been aboard yet, but it certainly looks like an impressive vessel.
The smaller SF in front of the 82' really looks like a 61' Viking to me. I am almost positive of it. The 64' has different lines on the side of the house
Because I ran a 2006 61 Viking SF, that looked EXACTLY like that one and there is a good chance that is the boat. Teak Transom, stbd side bridge ladder, same tower, mezzanine deck, same color. They did away with that ledge/angle a foot underneath the house windows on the sides of the house and the bow is higher on a 64. I may be mistaken though. But that really looks like the older 61. They made the boat sleeker and took away the hard angles of the 61 so it looks similar to the 82' and others.......
I didn't take the pictures so I don't disagree. Actually after further analysis the 61 has more of a curve in its bow and this has that slight curve.
I don't think Viking was still making the 61 in '06. I believe production stopped in 05 or 04. I'll check and report back. If we can make the pic larger we can see if there are three window or two- the 64 has three, the 61 has two. Not enough pixels to enlarge it.
They did make 2006 model 61' Viking SF's they were still mixing in a few 61's to cover orders and 64's on the same production line. The 2006 61' SF was a custom order and delivered Nov 05' as a 2006 model year. It has C32 non-acerts, teak deck, covering boards, transom, it was that light blueish green, tuna tower, mezzanine deck.
The boat in front of the 82 is a 61 called the Heavy Iron, I think it used to be called the double down before they built their big enclosed tribute, but I know for a fact that it was the Heavy Iron a 61 was there two day ago and a friend used to run the Heavy Iron.
The old "double down" was white, and it was sold not long ago, so anyone who ran the "heavy iron" could not have done so for very long. The new "double down" is not a tribute, but much of it was built at the the florida facility of tribute. All of this is neither here nor there- if we really want pics I'll head over there tomorrow and take pics- It's on my way to work. I fished today and got 2 of four on sails. Myself, Boomerang and Reel Diamonds were the only boats out in 5-7 foot seas and poorer than expected fishing. We canceled last nights sword trip.
It actually looks exactly like a 2006 61' Viking I've run before which was initially "Triple Net", it was the exact same color, teak transom, covering boards+deck, mezzanine deck, etc. etc. etc......