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Sensation News...

Discussion in 'Sensation Yacht' started by YachtForums, Jul 21, 2006.

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  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    Sensation Yachts announced the opening of one of the largest and most technologically advanced shipyards within the South Pacific. On Friday, June 23rd, 2006... Sensation Yachts opened its doors at a function attended by Government officials and distinguished guests at its new luxury Shipbuilding, Service, Maintenance and Refit facility. The opening of Sensation Australia, a landmark expansion of New Zealand’s largest super yacht builder, Sensation New Zealand, offers the most exciting development within the Australasian superyacht market to date.

    The Sensation Australia site caters to all facets of the superyacht market and consists of...

    1. Site size over 4.5ha
    2. Main Construction Hall (120m x 38m – 16m clear working height)
    3. Two full width overhead Gantry Cranes (each with 2 x 10 tonne hooks– combined capacity of 2 cranes – 30 tonnes) with multiple additional cranes on site
    4. Marine railway (45.9m x 14.8m) for vessel launching and recovery – 880 tonne capacity
    5. Wharf (240 m)
    6. Administration offices (in excess of 2,000 m2), other workshops & store buildings (in excess of 5,500 m2, includes fiberglass storage & cutting rooms, resin tank & mixing room and spray booth)
    7. Working hardstand (49.3m x 31.7m)
    8. Immediate deep water access

    Sensation Australia’s Service, Maintenance and Refit division is already providing comprehensive service having completed refits on several vessels prior to Sensations official opening and currently has multiple white boats on the slipway and dock for servicing, repairs and refit.

    With the opening of Sensation Australia’s Newcastle facility, Sensation Yachts brings up to 400 new jobs to Newcastle. Additionally, there will be employment opportunities for local industry training and skill development through association with TAFE NSW.

    Sensation Yachts has developed an advanced resin infusion technology, coupled with a modular production process which is revolutionary in the luxury yacht market. This technology will benefit owners with reduced delivery times, a cost effective build process and lower ongoing maintenance costs.

    Using its specialist composite techniques and having started construction already, Sensation Australia will, for its first vessel, produce the world’s largest resin infused luxury composite motor yacht. At 71 meters long (234 feet), with elegant and balanced lines and a top speed of 18 knots, this composite vessel, the largest of its kind ever to be built, will be capable of motoring her 12 guests from Sydney to Los Angeles non-stop and will be the show piece of the Australasian superyacht industry.

    For further information contact:

    Sensation Australia
    50 Fitzroy Street
    Newcastle NSW Australia

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