I have had to make a new thread because numerous yachts are coming up to the Bridgetown Port sometimes and I do not want to be adding them to the PSC Marina thread. It makes better categorization and with that said, the Benetti Reverie came up this afternoon and is now at Sugar Berth West in the harbour. Also, the Ecstasea came into the harbour and is on the same Sugar Berth West as Reverie. She has been out off Trevor's Way at anchor for about two days and now is in the Bridgetown Harbour. Here is a pic of them. Look carefully between the container ships:
I went down to Trevor's Way to see the Reverie. Was there for a few hours watching and then she departed shortly after 19:00 LT
Sorry Jwash, the Ecstasea had departed. Yachts do not come to the Bridgetown Port/Main harbour to lie around. Usually they want to come and anchor in the Carlilse Bay region as it is great for water-sports and diving. The main harbour is close to this location so when the big yachts (larger than 75M LOA, that can't fit in Port St. Charles Marina to be cleared) come they sail up to the main harbour to be cleared. Once cleared, they usually make their way to anchor off Carlilse Bay, Trevor's Way or somewhere appropriate on the West Coast
Lady Ann Magee is here as well. She came up this morning and is currently sandwiched between the cruiseships Crown Princess and Club Med 2.
Tatoosh is back once more, and she came a while ago (about 2 hours ago). She is currently anchored off Trevor's Way. Outside is too dark for me to go and take photos.
Here are some pics that I took off the Tatoosh off Trevor's Way, behind the Bridgetown Port. I also saw some Sport Fishers on their way in to the Careenage. One was named 'Cop Out' and it was registered in North Carolina.
The Feadship "Callisto" is here in Barbados. She is currently at the Cross Berth in the Bridgetown Harbour.
Another yacht is at the Bridgetown harbour today. She looks like the "Meridian" (ex. Imagine...) to me. "Callisto" since have left the port and is sitting outside the Port St. Charles Marina.
Picture of "Meridian..." at anchor in the inlet of the Shallow Draught, Bridgetown Harbour. http://flickr.com/photos/7546885@N08/3095830495/
I just spotted the Amels "Ilona" sailing quite a distance offshore rounding the south of the island. She probably now just crossed the Atlantic. Maybe she is coming to the Bridgetown Harbour. I will squeeze off a few distance shots when she gets closer. Additionally, the "Meridian..." left the flour mill dolphin, I do not know if she is down at the marina now.
Amels "Ilona" Here are one or two distance shots entering the Bridgetown Harbour. Coming up the Channel mingling through the cruiseships towards her berth (cross berth)
Mystery luxury cat I caught this small sailing luxury catamaran sailing off the Bridgetown harbour this morning. She appeared to be flagged in the Cayman Islands maybe on charter and I have never seen her in Barbados before. Anyone want to hazzard a guess as to her make and possibly a name? Sunreef? The photo is another distance shot from outside of my house as I was watching the cruiseships enter and not looking for a yacht. It was really too far to get any kind of photograph.
Another arrival today. The "Cour di Leone" (ex."Lionheart") is currently sitting off Trevor's Way behind the Bridgetown Harbour. I guess the reported fire onboard her was not that bad then.
The Trinity "Meridian..." returned a few days ago to the Flour Mill dolphin in the Bridgetown Port and she is still there as I type.
A fairly large sloop arrived last night and is anchored in Carlisle Bay. Will try to ID her at first light before I go to church. We are expecting anothor yacht at the Port later today and "Callisto" on Friday.
"Saudade" The sloop is identified and she is the Wally 148' "Saudade". She is now on the Cross Berth in the Bridgetown Port. Here she is making her way around and then through the channel...
Update: "Saudade" has gone back out to anchor in the Carlisle Bay. One thing I noticed though, she has a small sail from one of her backstays that is connected to her boom. Is this for stabilization while at anchor? I remember seeing a similar thing with "Sherakhan". Here is an example of this when she was outside earlier this morning. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7546885@N08/3135472793/sizes/o/