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Review: Lurssen Yachts 247’ "Northern Star"

Discussion in 'Lurssen Yacht' started by YachtForums, Nov 7, 2010.

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  1. Lurssen 247’ "Northern Star"
    Cruising into the Cold Blue Yonder

    by Capt. Chuck Gnaegy​

    Lurssen launches yet another of its strikingly-designed, strong and sea-worthy
    mega-yachts, catering to its owners’ needs for sea-going originality in comfort and style. Sporting ample
    room to indulge their passion for fine arts and literature, yes, even with extended cruises in northern climes.

    Comfort and capability live here.

    Adept use of color and placement -- certainly demanding requirements in these owners’ literary and fine arts -- define restful areas throughout the ship’s multiple decks, with deep, welcoming couches, foot stools, plush seating, fine dining. Plus, a handy bar for afternoon and evening libations, indoors and out on the northern bounding main. Cleverly shaded from the afternoon glare or heat with triangular awnings, awaiting the evening’s charm, Northern Star is a satisfying way to celebrate friendly, glorious sunsets. Owners and charterers alike will appreciate the thoughtfulness designed into this beauty.
  2. Artistically executed, Northern Star’s bold but restful primary colors echo the ocean’s deep blue with white foam in her pattern-like wake. Lurrsen’s expert building teams, with Designer Ospen Oeino, carried out the owner’s wishes inside and out, reserving space for all activities, but especially to excel in the display of their fine art collection; which now must certainly include this artfully conceived, yachting prize. The Owner’s Captain, Craig Franks, with a team guided by yacht Broker Robert *****, of ***** Yacht & Ship, also offered insight on the project, adding to Lurssen’s many years of of ship-building expertise.
  3. From high overhead – like a huge, perfect toy showing every detail exactingly, this view emphasizes individual details of her components, such as the cleverly executed “parasol” shades on the aft decks; and on top, aft, a series of couches for sun-basking. Also note here the large “H” target for the (H)elicopter landing pad. Forward, her mammoth Sat-Nav arrangement dominates, while guiding her sea-path to new horizons.
  4. Note the meticulous placement of each element, from bollards, stanchions and anchoring gear, to the inflatable tender. Then, well situated on teak decking immediately forward of her wheelhouse, a pair of comfortably inviting observation-relaxation couches, all matching the sea-blue-white decor theme.
  5. A close-up of her side view shows the precise planning of decks and constituents; hardy stainless steel hand railing all around for safety in rolling seas. All teak decks, and molded body components. Northern Star is classed for “light ice” which calls for more framing and thicker hull plating, plus stronger shafts, propeller mountings and stabilizers. She’s a sturdy, sea-going ship, well-equipped for all weather conditions she might face.
  6. Northern Star’s stern displays her very comfortable aft-deck gathering spot under the distinctive triangular awnings. Deep, comfy couches welcome up to ten somnolent voyagers, or several who want the whole couch to themselves. Note the stainless steel gate at the top of a dozen steps down to the swim platform. After some time in a delightfully frigid northern sea, at a favorite cove, even wet-suited, robust swimmers will appreciate the bar, hot toddys, and food lift.
  7. A close-up look at the aft main deck emphasizes her color patterns. Deeply relaxing blue-tinted couches, spiked with sparkling, flaming red cushions; polished mahogany tables, white awnings. All crisply arranged over the teak-strip decking. Luminous, stimulating, yet a pleasant place to relax, any time of the day or evening.
  8. Standing watch like a multi-armed sentry, the nav-com triangle – funnel – does its “Present Arms” pose, amassing information from around the planet for concise navigation, surrounding the global circumference. With large and small domes, it brings in world-wide radio, television signals; WiFi and internet, for every possible communication effort. Designed with deck room to allow the helicopter landing as well; the Arch is a striking visual element identifying this one-of-a-kind cruising yacht.
  9. High atop the uppermost display at our Star’s Sun Deck, a magnificent curve forms couches into an inviting “C” shape at the peak of her world. The weather-proof, heavily padded lounges invite relaxation with an endless panorama of sea and sky. Also, a perfect stage for entertaining friends or family; a traveling minstrel, even a vaudeville show? Comedy routines, anyone?
  10. Another view of the sundeck, centering on the covered swimming pool; very skillfully styled and tiled, with hefty stainless steel hand rails. Plus, as noted, the giant “H”; for a visiting chopper dropping in for a snack, or swim. At center, inside, her round elevator swiftly brings guests right up to the sunshine action.
  11. Keeping fit is a necessity in this modern hurry-up world, even for Art lovers, and/or crew, so this modern gym-at-sea encourages running, jogging, power lifting and more, all situated on the fully glassed-in top deck. Spot of Gatorade anyone?
  12. Just under the generous overhang of the top deck, Star’s fine dining lounge features a glass-topped table and sturdy, folding, light oak picnic chairs; in an indoor/outdoor setting. Full bar a few steps away. Quickly converts to a dance floor for glamorous inaugurals, birthday parties, or week-end sorties.
  13. Advancing to the Bridge Deck, a model of Lurssen’s sea-faring erudition, with forward-slanted, non-glare progressive windows, she features the latest concepts in course management and navigation. Note: no large, manual wheel; North Star’s Bridge is fully computerized, with six excellent screens. She is totally monitored inside and out with the latest radar, communication and safety devices, alarm systems, and instrumentation; all reporting instantly at the Captain’s helm.
  14. Her state-of-the-art, oversized screens present intimate details of every progression, plus depths and surrounding areas, for precise course plotting and exact monitoring of all systems. At starboard, a leather-covered lounge provides comfortable seating for all who want to observe the experts handling North Sea navigation.
  15. Interior Designer Pauline Nunns institutes a departure here, from hard-bound, straight-laced ocean crossing seamanship, as Northern Star delivers homely fine design, softness, off-duty pleasures. Bodily comfort hovers over her Sky Lounge. Light-white-blues, embroidered easy chairs and deep-seated couches transform this ocean-challenging ship to a delightful afternoon or evening get-away, delivering unique – for a cruising ship – soft comforts. Note the lovely “trompe l’oeil” sky-ceiling; the glass display cabinet, starring in the owner’s china collection.
  16. And yes, she sports a Fireplace -- on a ship at sea. Since Northern Star was designed to conquer the frrr-igid arctic briny, she boasts an indoor fireplace to warm the hearts of her seafarers. Including her Fine Art, fine design, albeit with a penchant for nautical themes, she adds this welcome touch for her sailing crew to snuggle up and stay warm.
  17. The Owner’s Suite takes up most of the upper deck, with its distinctive in-slanted windows, and snowy-blue-white walls/furnishings, which adopt its colors from the Owner’s favorite blue and white china collection. Designer Pauline Nunns likens the room’s flavor to that of a “Grand Country Home,” light and airy, comfortable, presenting traditional interiors. Perhaps a favored grandmother’s decor, soft, lacy, quite feminine in presentation. Wood chair treatments are almost exclusively paneled with limed oak; dark, lacquered, spindly.
  18. In the Owner’s Bath, the china-white-blue decor theme is followed, as well as cabinetry, with one boxed-in wash basin sink, large vanity mirror, and storage beneath. Lighting, carpeting, and overall flavor are reminiscent of decor in past times, including slatted window shades, and yes, a bathtub.
  19. Here, in the Owner’s Living Room, her interior design veers onto a radical course of strong color. Away from the subdued sweetness of white-blue, she bathes her living room in a startling cerise red. In a thickly padded leather couch, high-backed easy chairs, even the coffee table, the red takes charge from the quietude of other rooms. Over a white carpet, its contrasting red dominates even stronger. The one color departure in the room is a painting of a large sailing ship; captivating the eye in soft green and white. And the balance, framed in light elmwood, her walls are entirely packed with an extensive library of hard-bound books.
  20. Her businessman’s-style office reverts back to a more often used styling pattern, with a light beige decor in general; featuring pale elmwood paneling and framing. Carpeting is a light beige. Her compact office desk is lacquered mahogany, with brass drawer-pulls, overlooking a three-pane show window. The office chair and one lone large pillow copy the bright red hue.
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