Guidelines on Avatars... In order to maintain a fluent theme at YachtForums, we've established a few guidelines regarding avatars and we would appreciate your cooperation... 1. Flash or animated avatars are prohibited. 2. Keep avatars to 100 pixels wide, preferably less. 3. Avatars should be marine and yachting related! 4. Signatures are to be kept brief. 5. Commercial URL's in signatures are strictly prohibited. 6. Cartoons, faces, bikini girls, etc... are not appropriate. Avatars not meeting the above requirements will be removed.
I posted this thread in case anyone wants to discuss this, or... take me to task. We're adding new members at a fairly brisk pace, some of whom may have been active in other types of forums that may be more relaxed regarding images, "choice" words or in this case... avatars. There are a few communities that DO NOT allow you to have an avatar, or to upload images, or worse... they screen posts prior to going live. That's not going to happen here. YachtForums belongs to ALL of us. I believe a professional environment will attract experienced people, but there's a fine line between expression and maintaining a level of continuity. I hope the guidelines we've set forth are conducive to growing the site while maintaining a respectable, entertaining and educational place to visit.
Hi, I have a 17.5kb JPG file I want to use as my Avtar. When I click on save changes I get a V Bulletin message that says Invalid File. What am I doing wrong here?
Hi, I just came back to the office and refreshed the page and there it is. Thanks anyway for the offer Carl. I sent you something by e mail earlier today. Did you get it?
Hi Jay, Well, if you want to look like you're having bad hair day... Seriously, I would really appreciate everyone's cooperation on this. It's particularly uncomfortable for me to ask members who bring helpful information to YF to change something they obviously chose for a reason. (I know I wouldn't like it!) I've come to learn a thing or three about building a community from several peers and it was the overwhelming consensus of the group that maintaining fluidity and theme was a crucial ingredient in the interface, acceptance and perception of a professional environment. I slacked on the issue of avatars because I'm stretched pretty thin with other aspects of the site. BUT (and this is BIG but...), it's becoming a more challenging issue. We need to lead by example. If we make exceptions, then we've left a loophole for others to exploit. Some avatars are cute, harmless and fun. I enjoy them too. But people have a tendency to push the envelope on this and that's becoming a problem. In answer to your question Jay... please work with me. I would really appreciate it.
Hi Carl, It is not so that I don't understand wthat you want, guidelines are the structures of our lives, but as I found YF and made my login in 2005 I was pretty happy to found a pic of the right dimensions to fit like an avatar. So as I've no idea where to find anything else, all my favorits I would use as an avatar are too big, maybe copyrighted or worse. Otherwise I feel happy only to the point that I understand how to surf the net, if you understand what I mean...I don't know how to chance the pics dimensions for example. I will change it, but give me some time to find some cool one. Leveller
Hi Leveller, An avatar is essentially a small picture that is an expression of someone's interest, personality or dark side. ANY image can be reduced to the dimensions of an avatar and I am happy to help with this. This an open invitation to all of our members that don't have the software or the experience with image manipulation... just send the image to me and I'll take care of it. I'll upload it for you too. There are literally millions of images to choose from in the marine environment. I don't care if it's a picture of a fishing hook, just choose something you like that has a nautical undertone and that should be fine. To give you a glimpse into this without going into details... my days are already 14 hours long, without some liberal pointing out that I'm violating his human rights as an internet user if he can't use an avatar that makes YF look like amateur hour at the boat ramp! We have a small handful of people using avatars that don't "fit". Hopefully they'll hear my plea and work with me. After that... I'd like to leave this job to our members to keep newcomers in line. And you have my unwaivering support when you give 'em both barrels!