Here is a few good pictures i got of MITseaAH while cleaning it lovely yacht, apparently the design was based on the star wars planes different.
Here is the boat that sits on the MITseaAH you can see where it goes in the picture above ,its a very old one you guys will probably know what it is.
Thanks for sharing Shineman. I have re-sized your images to fit our format. In the future, please don't attach images larger than 640 pixels. Thanks.
watch her go go go! taken in the BVI's, 3rd Jan 2007. (my first attachment, pls excuse me if it goes wrong!)
Thank you for this great pic. It looks a little bit funny to see a sailing yacht with so much speed without sails
Sorry everyone, but there's just something fundamentally wrong with a sailboat running under power when there's obviously enough wind blowing...