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1999 Carver 450 Voyager Top Speed?

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by DONKOV, Oct 29, 2007.


    DONKOV New Member

    Oct 28, 2007
    New Buffalo, Michigan
    I'm considering purchasing a 1999 Carver 450 Voyager with Cummins 450s. I am told that it is currently only running a top speed of 26 mph. Assuming that all components are factory original spec is this the top speed of this boat? Read a review that claimed it should be around 29 mph. Besides props and bottom condition any ideas as to a cause for such a drop in performance?
  2. Gringo

    Gringo New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
    Anna Maria, FL
    According to my factory sales guide the top speed is 29mph@2750 RPM burning 42 GPH cruise is 24.6 MPH @ 2400 RPM 34 GPH, expect the actual real life performance to be a little less than that, the factory usually publishes the best case scenario.

    If the bottom has the slightest bit of growth on it or if the props are the least bit out of alignment it could easily drop the performance down below 26mph. I would expect real life performance to be around the 26 -27mph, when comparing the performance of a boat on a seatrial to the factory specs, you need to account for current, wind, how the props are tuned, and what the bottoms condition is as well as where your trim tabs are positioned.

    DONKOV New Member

    Oct 28, 2007
    New Buffalo, Michigan
    Your performance info is right on the mark. Seatrialed the boat in 2-3 footers and with a handheld GPS we were running from 27 to 28 mph at 2750 rpm. The tridata read 24 mph but once we hauled the boat found the speed wheel pretty corroded and tight but the bottom was clean. The original owner claimed 28 mph at WOT, seemed to be a pretty straight guy. After sealing the deal I had the props pulled and scanned. Interestingly enough the props had been repitch before delivery to the original owner (he never pulled the props). The Carver data stated they were 28x33 with a slight cup. The props scanned out at 34 pitch and had no cup. Wasn't done to ISO class I standards though, once they are I might see a hair more out of her. Can only spectulate that this first year model run boat was delivered and the engine rpms were just too high and the dealer had pitch added. Thanks for your input.
  4. 450 owner

    450 owner New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
    Fort Myers Fl
    450 top speed

    in response to the discussion on top speed of the 450 Carver Voyager, i have found that the stated speeds are most often not accurate. Having owned one for 10 years with twin 430 Volvo 73EMD engines, the speed will very based on the condition of the bottom and the amount of equipment and fluids on board.
    With all full tanks, 4 people and equipment,--dingys etc., i can get maybe 22 knots. Now, if anyone can get less than 60 Gal. per hour, i need to know how!

    And why would anyone need to go 28 knots anyway? it will triple the GPH and it better be very calm.

    This is a very nice cruising yacht at 16 knots and economical at that speed.
    if you are not in a hurry,--and you shouldn't be, 9 knots will get you about 7 gph !

    if you are looking for 28 knots, you need to be looking at a Yacht with a narrow beam.--and you better have deep pockets.
  5. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Too much junk on board is what slows down most boats. I agree with the comments above. I have run this model with the 450 Cummins 1/2 load fuel on sea trials and got 24 knots WOT. The boat will cruise at a respectable 17-19. This is not a Sunseeker. Anyone "Cruising" this boat at 24 knots will be putting his mechanic's kids through college.
  6. captainjim47

    captainjim47 New Member

    Feb 14, 2016
    West Coast, North America
    ", 9 knots will get you about 7 gph !"

    Is that each engine or combined for 14GPH flow rate? Tks, J
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Has to be combined...although 9kts is a bit optimistic as it is above hull speed for a boat that size... 8 to 8 1/4 kts on 7gph more likely