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Broward Sportfish Yacht

Discussion in 'Broward Yacht' started by YachtForums, Sep 27, 2004.

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  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Broward Sportfish Yacht - 105'. Delivered in the spring of 2002.

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  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Spotted at Bahia Mar in June 2005, this Broward is easily one of the most amazing sportfish yachts ever built. There is one more, in the bones, located at Broward's yard... waiting for a buyer to finish her.

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  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Some better pics...

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  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Here's the "In the Bones" sportfish at Broward's yard...

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  5. AffrayedKnot

    AffrayedKnot Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    I recognize this beautiful boat as the ODYSSEY... Anyone know her history? I am told that she was built for the former owner of the Broward yard, and then sold to Mid-East Royalty.
  6. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    i don't know any history of the boat, but had to write simply to agree that this is a beautiful boat.
  7. MacMcL

    MacMcL Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    Dania Beach
    This vessel was indeed built for the former owner of Broward Marine, who still owns her to this day. That owner has also purchased the partially built hull and intends to complete it sometime in the near future, utilizing a punch list of changes that can only come from several years of operation.
  8. Jorge Lang

    Jorge Lang Senior Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Fort Lauderdale
    Being a sportfish, there are a couple of items missing. Have outriggers and a fighting chair been installed after these pctures?
  9. LDB

    LDB New Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    Just for the record, I would like to clarify that this boat was designed by Luiz de Basto and the interior by the Broward in-house design team.
  10. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    Well, if the LDB stands for Luiz de Basto, I say "well done & welcome".
  11. LDB

    LDB New Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    That's correct, thank you. Looking forward to be an active member.
  12. E1S

    E1S New Member

    May 14, 2010
    The Broward 105' is a beautiful boat, is there any pictures of her sister ship? they say there are four of them including the unfinished one.
  13. thebighawk

    thebighawk New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    Browards SF

    I heard yesterday that this one had sold. Not a broker so not positive
  14. wscott52

    wscott52 Senior Member

    Jul 30, 2007
    SE Florida

    I just wanted to echo Henning. I had never seen your work until I stumbled on the Newcastle 125. I love that boat and would look for one if I ever found myself with millions needing to be spent. The Broward is also a beautiful boat.
  15. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    An update on the current history this vessel as of 11/2011

    This vessel is currently at Broward Shipyard
    Owned by Glen Straub.

    Unfortunatly Mr Straub hired one Captain ****** ***** a few years back.
    In his own self interest the Captain sabataged the vessel unbeknowst the owner. The damage to the hull / outboard stringers / stantion pipes was extensive. Some of the worst i've seen.

    This capatain recommended the fashion of the repair to the damage he caused - which as it turned out was not a repair but simply a way to bilk more money out of the owner.

    Again he is making repairs which all that know the damage know full well it will not be near enough to make the ship seaworthy again.

    From what i understand this is the same thing this captain did on M/Y The Rock.

    I understand that charges may be pending this captain for the damages and supposed repairs made.

    It's unfortunate an owner has to go through something like this. Capatians like this make it that much harder for real Captians trying to justify real repairs to owners.

    As for the rest of the vessel - as many with attest that know her - Since Captain ******* took her over - she's never looked worse and is in complete disrepair.

    Her outboard stingers are like swiss cheese - major 8" Stress cracks along her stringers for the aft 40' of the vessel - sea water coming in from both port and starboard outboard stringers which acts as one of the main walls to the muffler boxs.

    It's been coated by this captain to cover up the damage - but structually she is unsound. Hull plates completely eaten through - leaking oil fromt he port hull where from what i understand 55 gallons of oil was dumped in the port aft bulkheads and never removed which can be seen leaking from another bs repair by this captain on her port aft side while she sits and will continue sitting on the hard.

    With all the money spent on repairs to damage that should never have been - this could have been an amazing ship.

    Yet due to this one Captian and his methods of personal gain - she sits un seaworthy and in complete diss-repair.

    I can't think of anything that since his take over of the Odyssey that isn't broken and just left there. From the marble coming off the walls - stains - ruined carpet - freezers leaking water to the gally. Ants and cochroahes in the main and crew areas by the droves.

    Any one that has tried to make real repairs and doesn't go along with his method of distruction - gets run off the vessel.

    Those that know of what happened on the M/Y the Rock - if you thought that was bad - what has happeded to Odyssey via the captain and unbeknowst it's owner is shear crimminal.

    an added bit of info this vessels name is due for change to "Poly V"

    I'll post photos taken of the damage and the first supposed "repair" made soon.
    You'll get to see first hand what aluminuim swiss cheese looks like.
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Welcome to YF FirstMate. That was quite an opening post. Trying to pick my jaw up off the ground.:eek:
  17. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    lol - yeah i guess it was - but then i haven't discussed the A/C's and the replaced A/C's - the Controler for the A/C's and much much more!

    I've worked with some great Captians - and crew.
    We all get paid good money to keep the ship in shape - this just does the industry as a whole rotten.

    150k could have been put into some serious new gear making this ship even more valuable and more a pleasure for the owner and crew alike.

    I have no empathy for the captain. Not after seeing what i've seen - knowing what i know as to what he's done and doing.
    Took him about two years to put Odyssey on the hard for amost year now. More holes cut in her hull repairing repairs for damage he set in motion.

    He put every one at danger - Himself - crew - and guests alike.
    If this thing had gone down - and she will - with the out stern breaking apart as she's doing... it would have gone down in seconds.. adn still may if he has his way and continues with "working the owner" on these repairs.

    Imagine being 50 miles out when she breaks apart and he's under way? Wouldn't want to be on that trip.

    Here a few shots at some Aluminium Swiss Cheese as promised as of 11/11.
    What you are looking at is the Starboard side Muffler box after being cut through the hull.

    This is after the first 4 month repair was done. and Surprise it still leaks.
    The first image you can see the crack about 8" as those were 4" flat bars welded to "fix" the problem - the epoxy is chipping away as you can see revieling the damage to the Starboard outboard stringger seaside wall.

    The black is an epoxy coating covering up the rest of the damage - you can see in one of the images it's cracking as the stringer gives way.
    She was only dipped once. As he knew it would leak. How you ask?

    Well that is part of the con.
    When the 4" plates were welded in - he then covers it with epoxy - buttons up the Hull - tells the owner - its all good. But we're going to test it first.

    Knowing the bottom side of the 4" flat plate - was never welded.
    2 brains cells get together - if you make a patch seaside and weld only 3 sides of the patch - it's going to leak.

    The arrow points to one of the holes through to the engine room The baseball size chipped away area - is damaged aluinum that was filled in. less than sheet metal thick as it gets towards the center.

    Keep in mind this is only 4" x 4 feet you are seeing - there is 40 feet of this from top to bottom of the stringer. Most is covered with the epoxy - the entire stringer is bad metal. (Amazing what some people will reviel with a few drinks in them.)

    You can see several stress cracks / breaks in the metal.

    Second part of the con - replace only what metal can be see from the inside and easily accessed - in case it's surveyed.

    Third part of the con is from what i understand from the captain is to beach her. or run her aground enough to crack the stern - going for yet another repair.

    But as mentioned - i don't think he is going to get that far - i think he may be in for an awaking and a little surpirse via the Coast Guard of his own.

    And good riddens to him he does.

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  18. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Not Good

    Hi First Mate
    When Carl first posted an image of this Broward I thought it was the finest looking Sport Fish I had seen.
    Your posts are a sad story about what can happen to a boat without proper maintenance etc.

    However, I have a real problem with the tone of your post.
    If the information is to warn a prospective buyer, then it could have been done without mentioning the skippers name and the owners name.
    There is a definite tone of malicious intent in much of what you write toward the Skipper.
    Now maybe all this is true, but we only have your opinion to base this on and how many people reading this post know you? A post like this will attract a LOT of readers.
    This is not a wharf side bar where you are having a crack at the boss because he is an S.O.B.
    This is a big audience who now know the name of this skipper who you have basically labelled a criminal.

    Not good.
    Your intentions are not just about warning the boating community, they are aimed at destroying another person’s reputation by telling the largest possible audience.
    All of this information could have been shared as a warning to all without using names. Then it is up to the next owner or employer of the skipper to do their own due diligence.
  19. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    I am with you on this Kafue, for one to come on here and post these allegations in a post that has many spelling and grammer mistakes it has to make you wonder about the person making them.

    I think this boat has changed hands a few times and seems that if you take over Broward Marine they give you this yacht.

    Oh, by the way, First Mate may be surprised that this is not the first Broward to have corrosion & holes through bulkhead problems that alot of us have seen over the years. ;)
  20. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto

    Not sure if I follow? Why would Broward give you a privately owned yacht if you take over the company?
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