February 2014 Superyacht Lifestyle Miami will be called Superyacht Miami. NMMA postpones Superyacht Lifestyle Miami event to 2015
Just keeping a happy thought alive: Boat Show Information ? Miami Boat Show Exhibitors & Products Boat Show Highlights, Boating Seminars ? Miami Boat Show Admission ? Miami Boat Show P.S.- Hope the usual suspects will be there with camera(s) in hand.
Only a few days away. Could easily add queries to this interesting Thread: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/general-yachting-discussion/22413-name-yacht.html
Went to show on Thursday -- mostly looking at small boats. Show seemed busy, some good (and not so good) boats to see. I had forgotten how horrific traffic is during boat show. Took bus from Sealine Marina to brokerage on Collins Ave -- ride took 1 hr, 25 minutes. Later that afternoon, waited in line almost 30 minutes to board bus from Convention Center to Sea Line, bus ride took 55 minutes. Finally ransomed car from hotel garage, then crept north in stop and go traffic on I-95 for another hour or so. Still, boat show was fun as usual.
Show Management held a circus, ahem... media event. Two new shows are in their portfolio. The first is Panama International Boat Show on June 20th thru 22nd. The next show is the following Press Release...
Kudos to you for taking it in stride. My sentiments border on... "until you've driven in Miami, you'll never fully comprehend the meaning of disregard".
Time will tell. Google and Bing are challenged to display. Below is a Bing link for Watson Island. You will need to click Bird's eye and possibly the minus sign. Notice the wording in the adjacent water (Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve). Bing Maps - Driving Directions, Traffic and Road Conditions
It's fun reading between the lines of your one-liners. Let me take a crack at this... Miami is for financially misappropriated misfitz. The kind that pretend to be kids buying adult toyz. South Florida traffic has swelled to L.A. levels, but the Miami tide has fallen. The percentage of babes selling advertising to yacht builders is only exceeded by women selling... out. A billionaire once told me that his Fortunate 100 friends are fortunate to have friends with boats. And an Internet connection.
crazy big Viking. They probably fish ok, but the interrior design is exceptional. Which is probably important for fishing.... At least with the wife.