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Nearing Delivery: Benetti 54M superyacht "Lady Michelle"

Discussion in 'Benetti News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. Benetti 54-meter superyacht "Lady Michelle" nears delivery

    Italian yacht manufacturer Benetti launched the 54-meter "Lady Michelle" last month and now she is on the verge of delivery. Delivery to whom? Well this yacht is actually for sale, asking €33.9 million Euros. Original line profile drawings of this yacht showed a white hull but in reality she has a flag-blue hull colour and white superstructure.

    Benetti has been responsible for the exterior design and Naval Architecture while Franscois Zuretti with accommodation is set out in six staterooms for twelve guests based on double occupancy. The interior by Zuretti prominently features Cherry wood on the walls with elegant and even classical lookig furniture pieces. Lady Michelle is powered by dual CAT 3512C marine engines and has a top speed of 17-knots with cruising at 15-knots. Benetti also launched another superyacht in May.

    For more information:

    Azimut | Benetti S.p.A.
    Via Michele Coppino, 104
    55049 Viareggio - Italy
    Benetti Yachts

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